Wonders of the Mass
Wonders of the Mass videos.
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Wonders of the Mass
Title | Description | Link | Author | Published Date | Key Words |
Wonders of the Mass Promo | Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, beginning Jan. 2, 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/27/2022 | Father TimFather Vinh |
01 - Entering the Church | Why do we bless ourselves with Holy Water when we enter the church? Join us as we learn about the meaning of Holy Water and why blessing ourselves with Holy Water when we enter the church can open our hearts to all the God has waiting for us in the Mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, beginning Jan. 2, 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 01/02/2023 | holy waterFather Timoriginal sinsacramental gracebaptismal fontsecular worldbaptismkingdom of lightsign of the cross |
02 - Genuflecting | What does "genuflect" mean? Why should we genuflect when we enter into the presence of Jesus in the Eucharist? Join us as we learn about how this humbling action when we enter the church. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 01/09/2023 | genuflectFather Vinhpresence of GodHoly Martyrs of VietnamkneebendgenuflectereTabernacleHoly Eucharistsacred space |
03 - The Entrance Procession | In the order of the Mass, there are 4 parts: Introductory Rites, Liturgy of the Word, Liturgy of the Eucharist, and Concluding Rites. In this week's episode, we will enter into the Introductory Rites, which begins with the Entrance Procession. The purpose of the Introductory Rites is to unite us as a faith community and prepare us to hear God's Word and celebrate the Eucharist. Watch this episode to learn how the Entrance Procession is a pilgrimage for us all, not just the priest, altar servers and lector. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 01/16/2023 | processionentranceFather TimHeavenly DestinationCarlos Acutis |
04 - The Priest's Vestments | Come with us behind-the-scenes as we learn about the meaning behind the priest's vestments and the prayers he prays as he puts on each vestment. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 01/23/2023 | VestmentsFather Vinhamicehelmetalbpuritycincturewhite ropevow of chasitystolespiritual authorityexorcismchasublecharity of Christ |
05 - The Entrance Song | What is the significance of singing during the Mass, especially the entrance song? Come and learn with us in this episode of Wonders of the Mass! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 01/30/2023 | entrance songfaith communityFather Timentrance hymnPsalmentrance antiphonparticipation |
06 - Venerating the Altar | Have you ever wondered why the priest kisses the altar during the Mass? Watch to learn more about this beautiful gesture of love! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 02/06/2023 | kissing the alterFather VinhChrist encounterEucharistSacrifice of the Masscentral focusspousal relationshipunion |
07 - Sacred Vessels on the Altar | We've learned about the significance of the altar in past episodes. Today, learn about the various items that we can place on the altar during the Mass and the meaning of these items. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 02/13/2023 | sacred vesselsFather Timwhite garmentbaptismpurityShroudalter crossalter candleslight of Christ |
08 - The Sign of the Cross | The Sign of the Cross is a simple but profound prayer. Watch this episode to learn more the meaning behind this beautiful action we take at the beginning of the Mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 02/20/2023 | sign of the crossFather Vinhbaptismprofound prayerhuman natureheavenpower of the Holy Spiritincarnation |
09 - The Greeting | The Mass is a special gathering in which we encounter Jesus in the Eucharist; therefore, it calls for a special greeting! Learn about the meaning behind the words that the priest greets the congregation with and our response at the beginning of the Mass. References: Msgr. Charles Pope (2010). "And With Your Spirit" - It's not What you Think. https://blog.adw.org/2010/05/and-with-your-spirit-its-not-what-you-think/ St. John Chrysostom (n.d.). Pentecost Homily USCCB (2011). General Instruction of the Roman Missal. https://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship/the-mass/general-instruction-of-the-roman-missal. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 02/27/2023 | greetingFather Timattentionpresencethe Lord be with youwith your spiritpeace be with you |
10 - Penitential Rite | God constantly pursues us and gives us so many opportunities to turn back to Him. One of these moments happens right in the Mass as part of the Introductory Rites. Watch now to learn more about the Penitential Rites in the Mass, and gain insights into the meaning of the Confiteor prayer. USCCB (2011). General Instruction of the Roman Missal. https://www.usccb.org/prayer-and-worship. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 03/06/2023 | penitential riteFather Vinhsinmercycommunity of sinnersconversionpublicly repentconfiteor |
11 - The Gloria | After we entrust ourselves to God's mercy and forgiveness in the Penitential Act, we now enter into a moment to look at God with a spirit of awe and praise Him for His goodness. We do that by praying or singing the Gloria. Watch to learn about the 3 parts of this beautifully ancient prayer. Sources: https://www.ocp.org/en-us/blog/entry/gloria-in-excelsis-deo-the-glory-to-god, https://www.usccb.org/offices/public-affairs/structure-and-meaning-mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 03/13/2023 | gloriaFather Timancient prayerangels |
12 - Who is at the Mass? | The Eucharist is sometimes called the "Bread of Angels" -- does this mean the angels are at the Mass with us? Watch this episode to learn more! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 03/20/2023 | Father Vinhfaithful communityangelssaintsChrist's sacrificegreat sacrificeSaint Bridgetheavenly canticlesBread of Angels |
13 - The Collect (Opening Prayer) | At the end of the introductory rites of the Mass, the priest says, "Let us pray." In that moment, a very special prayer is taking place. Watch this week's episode of Wonders of the Mass to find out what it is! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 03/27/2023 | opening prayerthe collectFather Timunite our intensionsorans position |
14 - The Ambo | Thank you for following our Wonders of the Mass series! We have completed a general overview of the Introductory Rites of the Mass. As we enter into the Liturgy of the Word, take a moment to learn more about the "ambo," the sacred space from which the God's Word is shared and proclaimed. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 04/03/2023 | The AmboFather VinhSacred Scripturessacred spaceLiturgy of The Wordstepelevation |
15 - The Roman Missal & Gospel Book | Have you ever wondered how the priest knows when to do certain actions during the Mass? Or why is the Gospel Book placed on the altar at the beginning of the Mass? Watch this episode to learn from Fr. Tim about these two books that are used during the Mass -- the Roman Missal and the Gospel Book. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 04/10/2023 | Roman MissalFather Timprayersinstructionsmissale |
16 - The Lector | Have you ever been invited to be a lector for a Mass? It is a faith-filled role in the Mass that give parishioners and opportunity to participate in the Mass in a very special way. Watch this episode of the Wonders of the Mass to learn more about the role of the lector, and Fr. Vinh also shares some tips on how you can prepare yourselves whenever you serve as a lector. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 04/17/2023 | Father VinhproclaimWord of GodLectorspiritualscripturalpracticalpreparation |
17 - The Liturgy of the Word | Did you know that if you attend Mass every day for 3 years, you will have heard almost the entire Bible through the Liturgy of the Word? God's love story to us is shared and proclaimed in every Mass, and in this episode, Fr. Tim provides some tips on how you can more fully enter into the Liturgy of the Word during the Mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 04/24/2023 | Father TimliturgyWordliturgy of the WordGod's proclaimationsalvation historyfirst readingsecond readingGospelEpistlesletters |
18 - Responsorial Psalm | After the 1st Reading at every Mass, we sing the Responsorial Psalm together. Find out more about the purpose of the Responsorial Psalm and how we, the faithful, are called to participate in this part of the Mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 05/01/2023 | Father VinhResponsorial PsalmResponsorialPsalmCantorliturgical worshipliturgical formhymnsong of praisepsalm of praise |
19 - Alleluia | What does "Alleluia" mean, and why do we stand when we sing it? There's also a time period during the year when we don't hear the "Alleluia" before the Gospel. Watch to learn more! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 05/09/2023 | Father TimAlleluiaPraise the LordGospel AcclamationAll hail to Him Who Ishail |
20 - The Gospel Reading | In our Wonders of the Mass series this week we are at the high point of the Liturgy of the Word. This is the moment when God speaks directly to His people through the Gospel Reading. Watch to learn more about why we stand at this moment in the Mass, and other special things that take place during the Mass to show reverence to God's Word. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 05/15/2023 | Father VinhGospel Readingstanding postureGood News |
21 - The 3-Cross Prayer | Before the Gospel is proclaimed, we make a little sign of the cross on our foreheads, lips and heart. Have you ever wondered what that gesture means? It's a simple, yet profound prayer that draws us more attentively into what God is about to speak to us in the Gospel. Watch this episode to learn more! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 05/22/2023 | Father Tim3-crossthree crossesforeheadlipsheartGlory to You O Lordopenour mindsour heartsour lips |
22 - The Homily | After God has spoken to us through the Gospels, it's important that we take time to reflect on what His words mean for us in our lives in this world and our lives in the world to come. Father Vinh gives us insight into how God speaks to us through the words of the priest in the homily. Watch to learn more! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 05/29/2023 | Father VinhHomilyunderstandingrelation to Godreflection |
23 - The Profession of Faith | We all recognize The Creed as "that long prayer we say during the middle of the Mass." Have you ever taken the time to break down the prayer and consider the significance of what we are praying in The Creed? Watch this week's episode to learn more! | Go to video | VEYM | 06/06/2023 | Father TimProfessionFaithbeliefsVirgin MaryHoly SpiritFatherTriune GodHolyCatholicApostolicCreed |
24 - The Prayer of the Faithful | After professing our faith, we unite with the Church in lifting up our prayers to God the Father. In that unity, the Church asks that 4 intentions always be included in the Prayers of the Faithful. Watch to learn more! Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 06/12/2023 | Father VinhPrayer of the FaithfulPrayerFaithfulour needsunitypublic authoritiesneeds of the Churchlocal community |
25 - Preparation of the Altar | We are now entering the 3rd part of the Mass -- the Liturgy of the Eucharist, where we will gather around the altar. As we begin the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we take special care to prepare the altar with sacred vessels and articles that will be used to hold the Most Blessed Sacrament - The Eucharist. Watch this episode to learn more about the various sacred vessels that are brought to the altar at this moment. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 06/27/2023 | Preparation of the AltarFather VinhLiturgy of the EucharistcorporalbodypurificatorChalicePatenciboriasacred vessels |
26 - Altar Servers | We've seen them throughout the Mass so far, and now as we enter into the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we will see them more frequently. That's right! It's our altar servers! Watch this episode to learn more about this role and how it helps draw the faithful closer to Jesus through the way that they participate in the Mass. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 06/27/2023 | Father TimAltar Serversservers |
27 - The Presentation of the Gifts | Did you know that as part of the presentation of the gifts, we are all invited to give an offering of ourselves in that moment? It's not only the bread and wine that we bring up to give to the priest during the offering, but we give ourselves to God to be transformed by His grace, just as the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus. Watch this week's episode to learn more about this special moment for you during the Mass. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 07/03/2023 | Presentation of the GiftsGiftsFather Timoffertorybread and winelabor |
28 - Preparation of the Bread | After the priest has received the offering gifts from the faithful, we see him prepare the gifts of bread and wine at the altar. In this episode, Father Vinh walks us through the preparation of the bread. Watch to learn more about what the priest prays over the bread, the type of bread we use in the Catholic Mass, and how you can enter into the Liturgy of the Eucharist during this moment. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 07/10/2023 | Preparation of the BreadFather VinhBody of Christspiritual food |
29 - Preparation of the Wine | Learn more about why the priest pours some water into the wine as he prepares the offering in the Liturgy of the Eucharist! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 07/18/2023 | Preparation of the WineWineBlood of ChristFather TimHumanityDivinityspiritual drink |
30 - Washing of the Priest's Hands | Have you ever wondered what the priest is saying as he washes his hands at the beginning of the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Watch this week's episode to learn more about the significance of this action of washing the priest's hands. Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 07/26/2023 | Washing of Priest's handsFather Timritual purificationpurifysins |
31 - Prayer Over the Offerings | After the priest washes his hands, we enter into a moment called the Prayer Over the Offerings. The priest says a prayer of thanksgiving as he takes our gifts and offers it to God. Learn more about this special prayer before we enter into the high point of the Mass. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 07/31/2023 | Father Timofferingsprayer over the offeringsprayer |
32 - The Preface (People's Diaglogue) | In our Wonders of the Mass series, this week we enter into Eucharistic Prayer. Specifically, we are going to dive into the Preface, which is the prelude of the Eucharistic Prayer. It prepares us to enter into the high point of the Liturgy of the Eucharist. The Preface has 3 specific parts to it. Watch and learn about it and let your new knowledge of this part of the Mass draw your heart deeper into the Liturgy of the Eucharist! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 08/07/2023 | PrefaceFather TimEucharistic Prayerdialoguedialogspiritual sacrifice |
33 - The Priest's Prayer | As we enter into the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we pray the Preface, which has 3 parts to it. Last week we learned about the first part - the People's Dialogue. In this week's episode, Father Vinh explains the 2nd part of the Preface - the Priest's Prayer. Watch to learn what the priest is praying in this moment before we enter into the high point of the Eucharistic Prayer. #eucharisticrevival | Go to video | VEYM | 08/15/2023 | The Priest's PrayerPrefaceFather Vinh |
34 - The Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) | The Sanctus (Holy, Holy, Holy) is a joyful shout of thanks and praise to God and concludes the Preface in the Eucharistic Prayer. Learn more about where in the Bible this ancient prayer comes from. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every Monday throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 08/22/2023 | SanctusFather TimHoly |
35 - The Epiclesis | "Epiklesis" is a Greek work that means an invocation, or more literally, a calling-down. During the Epiclesis is when we will hear the bells ring and see the priest making various gestures as he prays the Eucharistic Prayer. Watch this week's episode to learn more about what is happening during the Epiclesis and what the gestures mean. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 08/31/2023 | EpiclesisFather Vinhinvocationcalling downHoly Spiritbread and winepriest gesture |
36 - Transubstantiation | Transubstantiation is one of the mysteries of our Catholic faith. Watch this week's episode to learn more about what happens in transubstantiation and how we can better understand it. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 09/08/2023 | TransubstantiationFather Timbody and blood of Christbodybloodbread and wineconsecration |
37 - The Consecration | Today's question is: When is the moment of Consecration? Watch this week's episode to learn more about when transubstantiation (when the bread and wine become the body and blood of Jesus) happens during the Liturgy of the Eucharist. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 09/12/2023 | N/A |
38 - The Memorial Acclamation | During the Liturgy of the Eucharist, we hear the priest say or sing "The Mystery of Faith," and the congregation responds. Watch this week's episode to learn more behind the meaning of the congregation's response to the mystery of faith. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 09/21/2023 | Memorial AcclamationFather Vinhkneelingelevate |
39 - Eucharistic Prayer Offering & Intercession | During the Eucharistic Prayer, we hear the priest make an offering and intercession as a reminder that our prayers go to the Father in union with all the faithful in the whole Church on Earth, in Purgatory and in Heaven itself. Watch this week's episode to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 09/29/2023 | Eucharistic PrayerofferingintercessionFather Vinhoffertorypurgatorywhole Church |
40 - The Final Doxology & The Great Amen | "Through Him, with Him, in Him ..." We hear this every week in the Liturgy of the Eucharist. Have you ever wondered why we respond with what's called the "Great Amen"? #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 10/05/2023 | Final DoxologyGreat AmenFather TimGreat DoxologyThrough HimIn HimWith Him |
41 - The Lord's Prayer | Have you ever wondered why we pray the Lord's Prayer during the Liturgy of the Eucharist? It's fitting that we prepare to come into communion with Jesus by praying the very prayer that He taught us. Watch to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 10/13/2023 | The Lord's PrayerOur FatherFather Vinhpreparation for Holy CommunionHoly Communion |
42 - The Sign of Peace | Throughout the Mass, most of the interactions are between the congregation and the priest, or the priest to God on behalf of the congregation. There is one moment when we have an opportunity to interact with one another as the congregation and that is during the Sign of Peace. Let's take a closer look at this and the meaning behind it. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 10/20/2023 | Sign of PeaceFather Timreconcilepeacepresence of Christreconciliation |
43 - The Fraction Rite | In the Mass, after the sign of peace, there is a special action you have seen many times as part of the Liturgy of the Eucharist - it's when the priest breaks the host and places a small piece of it into the chalice. This is action is known as the Fraction Rite. It's a simple act that has significant meaning for us today. Watch to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 10/24/2023 | Fraction RiteFather VinhFracturing of the Breadunion of the Body and Blood |
44 - The Agnus Dei (Lamb of God) | What is the meaning of the Lamb of God during the Liturgy of the Eucharist? Watch this week's episode with Fr. Tim to find out! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 11/03/2023 | Agnus DeiLamb of Godpassover |
45 - Invitation to the Eucharist | In the Mass, after singing the Lamb of God, the priest makes an invitation to us: "Behold the Lamb of God, behold Him Who takes away the sins of the world. Blessed are those called to the supper of the Lamb". What is our response to this invitation? Watch to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 11/11/2023 | Invitation to the EucharistFather VinhBeholdThe Lamb of God |
46 - Who can distribute Holy Communion? | Have you ever wondered who the people are who sometimes help priests distribute Holy Communion? Have you ever wanted to be someone who could help the priest distribute Holy Communion? Those people are called Extraordinary Ministers of Holy Communion. Watch this week's episode to learn more about this role that gets to share Jesus in such a special way with the congregation! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 11/16/2023 | Holy CommuniondistributionFather TimExtraordinary Ministers |
47 - How to Prepare to Receive Holy Communion | Because the Eucharist is the source and summit of our lives, it is important to properly prepare to receive the Eucharist with reverence. In this episode of our Wonders of the Mass series, Fr. Vinh gives us tips on how we can prepare to receive Holy Communion with reverence and love for Jesus. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 11/24/2023 | PrepareReceiveHoly CommunionFather Vinhstate of gracefasting |
48 - How to Reverently Receive Holy Communion | In our previous episode, we learned about how to prepare ourselves for Holy Communion. Watch this week's episode to learn the practical aspects of how to receive Holy Communion reverently and with love for Jesus in the Eucharist. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/01/2023 | Holy CommunionFather TimtonquehandsAmenThe body of Christ |
49 - Prayer & Silence After Holy Communion | After our reception of Jesus in the Eucharist we are called to observe a moment of silence and prayer, reflecting on the amazing gift we have just been given in the Eucharist. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/11/2023 | Holy CommunionFather Vinhreflectionsilent momentprayergive thanksTabernacle |
50 - Prayer After Holy Communion | At after Holy Communion, the priest invites us, "Let us pray." What are we praying at this moment together? Join Fr. Tim to learn more in this episode of Wonders of the Mass. #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/19/2023 | Holy CommunionFather TimthanksgivingPrayercharity |
51 - Concluding Rites -- The Blessing | We have reached the Concluding Rites of the Mass in our series! At the conclusion of the Mass, a blessing is given to the faithful. We receive this blessing at this moment to help us to be more Christlike before we leave to make our lives a prayer to God. Watch this episode of Wonders of the Mass to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/29/2023 | Concluding RitesThe Blessingfinal blessingFather Vinh |
52 - The Dismissal & Exit Procession | We have made it to 52 weeks of learning to fall in love with the Mass! Our final episode highlights the dismissal and exit procession. For many, this moment seems like a time to put your jacket on and gather your belongings to leave church. However, this isn't like school where you are done with whatever you learned in class and are now leaving to do your extra-curricular activities. The dismissal and the exit procession remind us that we are called to take the wonderful gift of the Mass out into the world, glorifying the Lord by our lives. Watch this episode to learn more! #eucharisticrevival Wonders of the Mass is a VEYM video series to help members grow in their love for the Eucharist through a deeper understanding of the Mass. Every week throughout 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you'll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist! | Go to video | VEYM | 12/31/2023 | The DismissalExit ProcessionFather TimConcluding Ritemission |