Father Otty Ossa Aristizábal was the chaplain of the Marian Shrine of Finca Betania, located in Cúa, Venezuela, at the time of the Eucharistic Miracle of Betania in 1991. During the midnight Mass of the Immaculate Conception, on December 8, 1991, Father Otty and numerous pilgrims witnessed the blessed Host exhibiting a red spot, and from the spot there appeared to be red substance, as if blood was emanating from the Host.

Father Otty and the pilgrims ensured the blood was not from the priest himself. After Mass, Father Otty safely preserved the Host in the Sacristy of the Shrine overnight. The following day, Father Otty observed that some blood continued to flow and began to dry. He noticed that the blood only flowed from one side, without staining the rest of the Host. After much testing and studies authorized by the Bishop of Los Teques, the Host currently resides at the convent of the Augustinian Recollects Nun of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Los Teques, where pilgrims come for devotion and veneration.

As Father Otty was dividing the Host into 4 parts during Consecration, he consumed 1 piece and returned the rest to the paten when he noticed the miracle. The blood was not his, as confirmed by witnessing pilgrims and a blood test. The result of the blood test shows that it is of type AB positive.
During a pilgrimage to the convent in Los Teques, a young man from New Jersey, named Daniel J Sanford, was also able to film the miraculous nature of the Host. On November 12, 1998, he filmed the Host as if in flames while pulsating and bleeding at the center.


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