Life of the Saints & Eucharistic Miracles
Be inspired by how the Saints loved Jesus in the Eucharist
October 01, 2023
Eucharistic Miracle - Betania, 1991
Father Otty Ossa Aristizábal was the chaplain of the Marian Shrine of Finca Betania, located in Cúa, Venezuela, at the time of the Eucharistic Miracle of Betania in 1991. During the midnight Mass of the Immaculate Conception, on December 8, 1991, Father Otty and numerous pilgrims witnessed the blessed Host exhibiting a red spot, and from the spot there appeared to be red substance, as if blood was emanating from the Host.
Father Otty and the pilgrims ensured the blood was not from the priest himself. After Mass, Father Otty safely preserved the Host in the Sacristy of the Shrine overnight. The following day, Father Otty observed that some blood continued to flow and began to dry. He noticed that the blood only flowed from one side, without staining the rest of the Host. After much testing and studies authorized by the Bishop of Los Teques, the Host currently resides at the convent of the Augustinian Recollects Nun of the Sacred Heart of Jesus in Los Teques, where pilgrims come for devotion and veneration.
As Father Otty was dividing the Host into 4 parts during Consecration, he consumed 1 piece and returned the rest to the paten when he noticed the miracle. The blood was not his, as confirmed by witnessing pilgrims and a blood test. The result of the blood test shows that it is of type AB positive.
During a pilgrimage to the convent in Los Teques, a young man from New Jersey, named Daniel J Sanford, was also able to film the miraculous nature of the Host. On November 12, 1998, he filmed the Host as if in flames while pulsating and bleeding at the center.
September 01, 2023
Eucharistic Miracle - Tixtla, 2006
During mass at a parish retreat in the diocese of Chilpancingo-Chilapa, Mexico, on October 21, 2006, a sister was serving as Eucharistic minister when a reddish substance began to appear on the host that she was holding. The bishop at the time formed a group consisting of scientists who spent three years investigating whether this was a supernatural event.
The team of researchers found that the blood type was AB, which was the same as the blood type found at other miracles, the interior layer of the blood was fresh, the blood had intact white and red blood cells, the tissue was heart muscle, and there were some remnants of DNA. The event is pending official approval from the Holy See, however, based on the research that was completed by the scientists and forensic experts, the bishop of Chilpancingo concluded that this was a “divine sign” and “true miracle.” Blessed Carlo Acutis had passed just days before the event took place, and some consider this event to be related to his commitment to finding and understanding Jesus more through his research of the Eucharist and bringing it to the world.
August 01, 2023
Eucharistic Miracle - Sokolka, 2008
During a Holy Mass at St. Anthony church in Sokolka, Poland, a priest was giving Holy Communion and a consecrated host fell to the ground. According to the church tradition, the host will need to be placed in a small container of water for it to dissolve fully before it can be poured and disposed properly. The priest asked a parish sacristan to place the host in a safe place. Several days later, she went back to check on the host and noticed a delicate aroma of unleavened bread. She noticed the host only dissolved a little bit but the host was actually changing to a bright red color, like a blood stain.
On October 29, the stained host was placed in a corporal, which is a piece of cloth that’s used at mass which was then put in the tabernacle. The host was kept as is for 3 years. Some scientist tests were conducted on the sample and they concluded that what looked like a blood clot was actually a heart tissue of someone who is near death. They also found that the fragments of the Eucharistic bread and the human heart tissue were interconnected on a microscopic level which is impossible to replica even with the advanced tools available or the scientists of NASA.
June 01, 2023
Emilia Bicchieri was born on May 3, 1238, as the fourth of seven daughters in Vercelli, Italy. At a young age, Emilia had a heart of service, seeking out the poor and easing their troubles. While her sisters were seeking strategic marriages, her heart was set on planning her future in service to others as a nun. Her father was able to help construct a convent for Emilia’s religious purposes, the first of it’s kind. He passed away soon after, when she was only seventeen. Her convent would be known as the convent of Santa Margherita, living under the rule of the Third Order of St. Dominic. She and her sisters were incorporated into the Dominican Order in 1266. Though reluctant at first, she became prioress and then superior of the convent, where she directed her fellow sisters in daily good works of charity and a life of prayer, contemplating on the Lord and His passion.
Emilia Bicchieri died on May 3, 1314, and was beautified in 1769 by Pope Clement XIII.
May 01, 2023
Blessed Imelda Lambertini
Blessed Imelda Lambertini was born into a rich and noble family many centuries ago. Her parents were quite devout Catholics themselves and through them, she learnt about loving God and serving the poor. From a young age, Blessed Imelda yearned to receive the Eucharist, but at that time, the age to receive first communion was set at 14 years old.
At age 9, Blessed Imelda asked her parents to let her join the Dominican nuns and for the next two years, Imelda was insistent with the nuns at her convent as well as the chaplain to let her receive her first communion. They all said “no” because she was still too young. When she was 11 years old and during the Feast of the Ascension, after being told “no” to first communion again, some nuns observed that the Host had appeared in the air above Imelda as she was kneeling in prayer. They called the chaplain and from that he knew God’s will, so Imelda finally received the Eucharist. This filled her with so much joy and love now that she had received her greatest desire, to be united with Jesus through receiving the Eucharist, that she also joined him and our Father in Heaven immediately after.
Blessed Imelda Lambertini [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/538ec10e-8e80-4e57-99a3-b5e9d607c9af?width=600&height=570]
April 01, 2023
St. Lucy Filippini
Saint Lucia was born in Cornetto Tarkania. She was an orphaned at an early age. At the age of 6, she went to live with her aunt and uncle who encouraged her religious inclination by entrusting her education to the Benedictine nuns at Santa Lucia. Lucia left behind all the worldly things and began her career under the patronage of Cardinal Marc Antonio Barbarigo, who envisioned her as a key factor to bring about a rebirth of Christian living and entrusted her with the work of founding schools for young women, especially the poor.
St. Lucy Filippini [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/0f753397-aa68-4e97-823e-4747a986e3a1?width=250&height=409]
March 01, 2023
Saint Mary Frances of the Five Wounds
At age 16, Mary Frances’ father desire that she get married but she decided that she would give herself to God so she declined the offer. Her father was upset, locked her in the room with just bread and water. Mercifully, a priest named Theophilus was able to reason with her father. After, she joined a Franciscan order but continued to live in the family home to serve God as a consecrated virgin. Mary Frances considered herself fortunate to be able to offer her divine bridegroom as proof of her fidelity.
One day, as Mary lay ill, she also learned of her father was near death, Mary asked God to let her suffer her father’s death agony and his purgatory and were granted.
Although Mary suffered continuously, God also gave Mary great graces and consolations. She received the marks of the wounds of Christ and was granted the gift of prophecy and of miracles. Mary Frances also prophesized the tragic events of the French Revolution. God heard her prayers asking that she be taken from this world before they would happen. Mary Frances died on Oct 6, 1791 kissing the feet of her crucifix.
February 01, 2023
St. Juliana Falconierria
Juliana Falconieri was born into a noble Florentine family in 1270. Her uncle, Alessio Falconieri, one of the founders of the Servants of Mary (the Servites), was a great influence on her vocation. At an early age, she
decided to follow the consecrated life in service of the poor. Her example would lead other young women to
follow. They would eventually establish the female branch of the Servants of Mary, the Sisters of the Third Order of Servites, dedicated to a life of contemplation and prayer, charitable good works, and promoting peace in the
Towards the end of her life, Juliana suffered a stomach illness that made it difficult to eat. She died in 1341, and was canonized by Pope Clement XII in 1737.
January 01, 2023
Blessed Carlo Acutis
Blessed Carlo Acutis lived a life that focused on his devotion to Mother Mary and fascination with understanding and being completely connected to Jesus through attending weekly confession and daily receiving of the Eucharist.
* Resources for Au Nhi/Thieu Nhi about Blessed Carlo:
* Catholic Sprouts Holy Heroes Podcast & coloring page [https://catholic-sprouts.libsyn.com/cs-1058-blessed-carlo-acutis-friday]
* MT Video and coloring page [https://bekids.mt/blessed-carlo-acutis/]
* Animation video about Blessed Carlo's life by CYMFed [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ0p_3o-uMc]
* Videos about Blessed Carlos:
* EWTN Video about Blessed Carlo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YUOgYiw_OZ0]
* Rome Reports video about Blessed Carlo [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dSi3qtmbfNw]
* Articles, Prayer, Novena, Videos and more [https://carloacutis-en.org/]
* Official website of Carlo Acutis: The Association for the Cause of Canonization [http://www.carloacutis.com/en/association]
* Franciscan Media Overview of Blessed Carlo [https://www.franciscanmedia.org/saint-of-the-day/blessed-carlo-acutis]