VEYM members share how the Eucharist has touched their lives
July 01, 2024
HLVSC Tr. Chantale Ngoc Thao My Pham, PQT TU Canada
"The Eucharist has been a source of strength and healing for me throughout the years. Once I began to come to know Jesus in the Eucharist, I fell in love with the Eucharist. The Eucharist has allowed me to become at peace with myself; with multiple obstacles, challenges, and many changes in my life I knew and felt that Jesus was always present with me. Living the Eucharistic Day is the center and anchor of my life, without the Eucharist, I would not be the person I am. The love of God through the Eucharist is unimaginable, and I am so grateful to be able to have Jesus in my life."
Download [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b801be2f-e0ee-4cd3-8ed2-3c59c6b16cd2?width=656&height=709]
June 01, 2024
HLVSC Tr. Jeni Hong Bui, LD Thu Quy - LD Inhaxio
"It is not just my own feeling but it is my faith. Every time I am in the presence of the Eucharist; especially during the blessing when the bread and wine becomes the Body and Blood of Christ, I am in tears of joy. I feel that I am so lucky to be a daughter of God and able to get closer to Jesus in the Eucharistic every time I attend mass. Thru the Eucharist, I always feel blessing in me with his strength to overcome difficult times. Jesus in the Eucharistic is alive in me."
Profile [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/ff180c57-8af6-4fa6-9ca7-31e9d60043ae?width=2316&height=3088]
April 01, 2024
HLVTC Tr. Phung Ha Phan, LD Pho Nghien Huan - LD JPII
"Through the struggles of life, I always find that confiding in the Eucharistic has brought me to a state of serenity and companionship. Often times, where I feel lost, aggravated, or lonely the Eucharistic has always been the voice of reason to bring me peace, understanding, calmness, and companionship. I remember one instance, I was struggling to accept something. The aftermath was full of not understanding, fear, and aggravation. I was very lost and didn’t know where to confide to. Everything changed when we happen to have adoration at Sinh Hoạt one weekend. As we had adoration I looked at the Eucharistic, I suddenly felt a sense of peace, like a voice of reason bringing me to understand that everything was going to be alright. There is a plan for everything. I could literally feel my heart swell up and truly feel the embrace of the Eucharist. My connection to the Eucharistic that day was strengthen. That connection which changed my outlook in life for the better."
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March 01, 2024
HLVSC Tr. Kevin Van Pham, Pho Quan Tri Doan Thanh Tam - LD Pho Quan Tri - LD Inhaxio
“Being raised in a family that did not pray together often, I was not sure what ways I can better connect with God. Living the Eucharistic day has brought me a great template, a way of life to be more intentional about my day. To take time to reflect and think about the day and learn to appreciate the wonderful life I am blessed with. Living is a blessing and living the Eucharistic life has helped me be more appreciative and have a better connection with God through daily conversations and reflection and with each day.”
Kevin Er [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/ac4ab741-0a86-4f7c-8d86-8473315eebee?width=2592&height=2592]
February 01, 2024
HLVSC Tr. CamLinh Ma, Thu Quy Doan Dominico Savio - LD Sinai
“As a Catholic mom, the Eucharist is my guide through life. God brings me peace in time of uncertainty, hope in time of despair, and grace in time of happiness. Through living the Eucharistic life, I am gifted strengths to raise my children to be Christ like.”
Linh Er [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6766c95f-cf39-4bac-a068-9d8bf8be9b66?width=1279&height=1282]
January 01, 2024
Tr. Matthew Nguyen, Pho Quan Tri Doan Thanh Tam - LD Inhaxio
“I find that connecting with the Eucharist offers me a grounding anchor amidst the waves of confusion and searching. It provides me with a sense of belonging and spiritual nourishment. Embracing the Eucharist offers me clarity, guidance, and solace; helping me navigate and define my path in life.”
Matthew Nguyen [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/51ecdeb1-fce9-46ea-9849-2a2eaf51f310?width=2258&height=2748]
December 01, 2023
Sr. Anne-Therese Nguyễn Ngọc Huyền, LHC
Veym Testimonial Images (2) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e27de9a6-0bd6-4a9c-9a49-00f9e78cf298?width=1920&height=1080]
November 01, 2023
Fr. Trung Pham, SJ
My miracle of the Eucharist is in the experience of eating which I was transformed by the love embedded in the food. The Eucharist has the power of transformation. I have a desire to become a Christ-like person epitomizing the priest figure because I took the Eucharist. I experience love through food, I become love by eating that food. I became a priest, a Christ-like figure, through the Eucharist because the Eucharist is Christ himself.
Trung [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/2b789703-023c-4eb4-97e6-fdcd02890fe2?width=455&height=494]
October 01, 2023
Sr. Faustina Anh-Tuyet Le, CMR
"The Eucharist helps bring life in me."
A cell is a cell because of the nucleus; my life is like a cell and The Eucharist is the nucleus! In a cell, the nucleus brings and multiplies life; in my life, the Eucharist helps bring “life” into my daily life and my ministry. People often ask me why I wanted to be a sister, a nun. My answer is because I wanted to embrace the whole world! Yet, I can only do that through prayer, through the Eucharist.
Sr Snow [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b62dcc17-b6e1-4412-af3c-7abd4d69ed3b?width=1536&height=2048]
September 01, 2023
Fr. Charles H. Ranges, SSE
The Sacrament of Eucharist in Life
"At St. Michael’s College as the liturgy began to be celebrated in English, my Eucharistic faith became more personal and I was often at daily Mass and made private visits to the Blessed Sacrament. There I found peace and a foundation to my life. The sacramental Christ was available to listen to my trials and to encourage me. There was a desire to serve the church and dedicated my life to Christ as a religious Priest."
(https://vermontcatholic.org/ministries-programs/evangelization-catechesis/eucharistic-testimonials [https://vermontcatholic.org/ministries-programs/evangelization-catechesis/eucharistic-testimonials])
August 01, 2023
Sr. Kimberly Nguyen, LHC
A place in Christ
Imagine being in the presence of someone who knows you inside and out, your strengths, your brokenness, your joys and wounds, and yet still loves you unconditionally. That is me before the Blessed Sacrament. Reality comes to a standstill, and for the time being, I can just lay aside all of my stresses, and give myself permission to just rest in the presence of the Lord. There is no pressure to preform nor is there fear of judgement—I allow myself to be loved by my Creator. Just as a child rest in its mother’s arms—so too do I rest before the Eucharist, and how liberating and peaceful it is! Many things happen when I place myself before the Blessed Sacrament. I discover meaning for my life, especially the crosses that I am asked to bear. God patiently waits for me to allow Him into my heart, even into the darkest of places-- to heal me and make me whole again. Heavy burdens, such as discouragement and failure, are slowly lifted off of my shoulders. Questions and doubt find clarity and light. All the things on my “to do list” eventually yield to a greater sense of surrender and trust. Most importantly, God’s promise of always being with me finds its fulfilment. It is in God’s presence that I am completely known, completely understood, and completely loved--and there’s just no place I’d rather be.
Thumbnail Headshot Srkim [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/71bf9848-4d93-4f2e-8da4-0ba4ac874840?width=1920&height=2473]
July 01, 2023
Deacon Jonathan Lam, Co-Cathedral of Saint Theresa of the Child Jesus
God's presence is for salvation, in every moment praying before the Eucharist to hear and meditate on God' Word. I deeply believe that I am being saved and transformed into new creation under God's love.
Deacon Jonathan Lam [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/9fac61fe-93ad-4bea-b5a3-2dce71feeea9?width=412&height=344]
June 01, 2023
Fr. Dat Tran, SJ
It has also been my experience with the Eucharist as a Jesuit. Sometimes, I would give up my calling due to difficult and challenging situations. Through the Eucharist, I can find hope and strength to get up and walk each day again as a Jesuit Priest.
Fr Dat Tran Sj [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/aefb045c-70a7-40b7-b7d4-4c9f05c609b9?width=1973&height=1598]
May 01, 2023
Sr. Maria Tuyen Bui, LHC
(Narrated by AN Quynh Anh)
"The Eucharist is Divine Power", Sister Maria Tuyen Bui, LHC
As a religious sister of the Lord, for me, the Holy Sacrament is the place I go back to. Jesus in the Eucharist is my captain. Why do I say this? Those living the Consecrated lives are not much different from others. Around me, there are always difficulties, challenges, and all that are very normal for every individual. I look to the Eucharist to bring different meanings together in each situation. I believe that in the Eucharistic Jesus and with the guidance of the Holy Spirit, I see myself with my gifts, my weaknesses, and even my sins. So in the Lord, I know I am worthy, and with His help, I become better each day. I feel that in the challenges, pitfalls, and difficulties of life, I have God as a guide and companion. In successes, I rejoice with humility, knowing that all I have is a gift from God. Similarly, in times when I am lost and helpless, coming to the Presence of the Lord in the Eucharist, I feel protected. For God is my captain, He knows where the shadows, the waves, and the storms are, and He will direct me safely through it all.
Thus the most important reason that I want to come to the Eucharistic Jesus every day is because God lets me know that He is always here with me in all circumstances of my life. So that before God, I may realize that I am a person of God, that I am loved by God, and that I bring God's love and proclaim the Good News to everyone.”
Sister Maria Tuyền Bùi
The Love of the Holy Cross of Thủ Thiêm.
April 01, 2023
Sr. Mary Therese Hoa Nguyen, LHC
When I unite with Jesus in the Eucharist, I feel so peaceful. Especially when I am facing all challenges of my life. Eucharist always guides me and helps me overcome all difficulties. My life totally changed when I really pray with the Eucharist. My vocation came from the Eucharist. I heard God's voice and followed Him."
Img 1661 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/7b17b29d-ad90-411a-8d13-7b681c6ae9bd?width=529&height=613]
March 01, 2023
Br. Bao Quoc Tran, CSsR
Once, I had a chance to be by myself in front of a Tabernacle in an empty Church. I wasn't consciously praying about anything in particular, but the question of my future was still lurking in the bacl of my mind. Jesus knew, and He gave me a sign of His will. O was embraced by His peace and felt so loved by the Eucharistic Lord. At that instant I said to myself, "This is what I want for the rest of my life."
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January 01, 2023
LM. Gioan Baotixita Ngô Khắc Dương, S.D.D.
Introduction Video: “The Glory of the Eucharist will change your life” by Father Mike Schmitz [https://youtu.be/GhkNoM8Dpkw]
“Indeed, Jesus affirms that the true bread of salvation, which transmits eternal life, is His very flesh. To enter into communion with God, before observing the laws or satisfying religious precepts, it is necessary to live out a real and concrete relationship with Him.” (Pope Francis)
(Pope Francis: Do not water down the truth of the Eucharist | Catholic News Agency [https://www.catholicnewsagency.com/news/248745/pope-francis-do-not-water-down-the-truth-of-the-eucharist])