


Chúc mừng Lễ Quan Thầy Liên Đoàn San Diego!

Chúc mừng Lễ Quan Thầy Liên Đoàn San Diego!

Dearest VEYM family,

Please join us in extending a special prayer and happy Feast Day wishes to the San Diego League of Chapters.  

Saint Diego (Didacus) was known for his great love for the Holy Cross and his charitable sacrifices.  On his death bed, he looked at the crucifix and prayed, “O faithful wood, O precious nails! You have borne an exceedingly sweet burden, for you have been judged worthy to bear the Lord and King of heaven.” Together with the Chaplains, all the committees and divisions at VEYM National, we wish the San Diego League of Chapters a most blessed Feast Day! May your patron saint always intercede for you and help you all to have burning zeal for souls through prayers and charitable works. Happy Feast Day!  ❤️

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The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement in the U.S.A.

Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ

1811 E Center St, Anaheim, CA 92805. Phone: 714-603-7586

Email: headquarters@veym.net

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