



News Posts

VEYM Holy-ween Contest
October 22, 2024
Hello VEYM family! Did you hear Holyween is coming up and VEYM's annual Holyween's costume contest is back? Here is how to participate: 👉 Learn about a saint whose live shares JOY of Jesus and dress up like him/ her 👉 Click on this link https://url.veym.net/HolyweenContest2024 to fill out the form and submit a picture of yourself in your costume  (Multiple submissions of different saints are welcome!) Deadline: 11pm Pacific Time on Oct 22, 2024 The eligible submissions will be posted on VEYM's official Facebook and Instagram page for voting on Oct 25 - 27, 2024. Only votes on VEYM's official social media platform are accepted.  Winners of People Choice's Award, Most Inspiring Award, and many more prizes will be announced at Campaign Closing Celebration on Nov 3rd.  Should you have any question, please contact Tr. Nina at anh.tran@veym.net We are JOYFULLY looking forward to your submissions!   Img 6749 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/49100ede-b065-4d91-8a50-df4f5e34f8bb?width=1080&height=1080]
2024 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign
September 27, 2024
October is the month dedicated to the Holy Rosary, and VEYM has chosen this special time to celebrate the National Day of Prayer, encouraging all members to participate in the Spiritual Bouquet Campaign. What gift could be more beautiful for our Mother Mary than a Spiritual Bouquet filled with prayers and good works? This year’s campaign theme is JOY. Let’s start this sinh hoạt year with enthusiasm and unity, coming together in prayer, performing good deeds, learning about the saints, and finding J-O-Y in everything we do. Join us for Virtual Rosary Every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 9:30pm EST. * To join on your computer or phone: url.veym.net/virtualrosary  * To joining via your browser as a guest: Meeting ID: 284 404 199 952 & Passcode: hoxTTa  * To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 937 618 393# [blob:https://cmsv2.veym.net/4938d6c8-1e29-4130-b9a5-5e323b98dd71] Get involved! * Follow along with daily activities—download and print the PDF calendar here: https://url.veym.net/RosaryBHT2024 [https://url.veym.net/RosaryBHT2024] * Participate in the Holyween Saint Costume Contest! Are you ready to journey with VEYM as we share Jesus, love Others, and care for Yourself? Let’s make this month a true celebration of faith and JOY! Virtual Rosary Nights Promo [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5627254b-2fe4-42fe-b6f6-3e5287f3e624?width=1080&height=1080]Holyween Costume Contest [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/524742e6-a4b5-4637-bea9-ff97c7ad0f25?width=1080&height=1080] Bht Calendar [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/72f3341a-366b-4b50-9598-f59c11006a95?width=3300&height=2550]
2024-2025 Back to Sinh Hoạt Townhall
August 18, 2024
We would like to cordially invite all VEYM members to attend the 2024-2024 Back To Sinh Hoạt Townhall this Wednesday to learn about exciting VEYM initiatives in the upcoming year.  📅 Date: August 21, 2024 🕘 Time: 9 PM EDT 🌐 Join us at: https://url.veym.net/backtosinhhoat [https://url.veym.net/backtosinhhoat] Get ready to kick off the new year with enthusiasm and curiosity! Let's come together to start the new season of Sinh Hoạt with energy and excitement.   2024sinhhoattownhall [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d69e49fa-cc06-4623-9985-ab44b729950f?width=477&height=627]
VEYM Scholarship 2024 Winners
May 13, 2024
Congratulations to all 2024 scholarship winners. As announced, winners must register and attend the respective training camp to receive the training camp cash-scholarship.  To apply for next year's scholarship, please visit veym.net for details.  Congratulations to the following VEYM members.  CẤP I  ($150 EACH) * HSTT Đỗ Catherine (Đoàn Fatima, LĐ Biển Đức) * HSTT Nguyễn Thiên An (Đoàn Đức Mẹ Hằng Cứu Giúp, LĐBiển Đức) * HSTT Trần Trọng Tâm (Đoàn Tôma Thiện, LĐ Thánh Gia) * HSTT Nguyễn Minh Thư (Đoàn Kitô Vua, Sacramento, LĐ Thánh Gia) CẤP II ($200 EACH) * Tr. Maria Hứa Xuân Mai Michelle (Đoàn St. Barbara, LDNS) * Tr. Peter Xuân Bách Nguyễn (Đoàn Giuse, LD JPII) * Tr. Goretti Trần, (Đoàn Phêrô – Lansing, LĐ JPII) * Tr. Sean Hồ (Đoàn Kitô Vua, LĐNS) * Tr. John Thanh Lê (Đoàn Kitô Vua – Denver, LĐJPII) CẤP III TRAINING CAMP ($250 EACH) * Tr. Maria Đặng Mỹ Linh Amy  (Đoàn Đôminicô Saviô, LĐ Sinai) * Tr. David Brown (Đoàn Grabriel. , LĐ Inhaxiô of Loyola) * Tr. Maria Magdalena Nguyễn Samatha (Đoàn Kitô Vua, LĐ Đức Mẹ Mân Côi) HLVSC TRAINING CAMP ($300 EACH) * Tr. Ashley Nguyễn (Đoàn Thánh Linh, LĐ San Diego) * Tr. Vincentê Trần Đăng Vincent (Đoàn Đức Mẹ La Vang, LĐBiển Đức) * Tr. Gioan Nguyễn Johnathan (Đoàn Toma Thiện, LĐ Phaolô Hạnh) * Tr. Andrew Nguyễn (Đoàn Thánh Tâm, LĐ Ra Khơi)  
VEYM 2024 Student Curriculum Championship
March 12, 2024
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, and Youth Leaders: Building up from the success of last year’s championship, the National Executive Committee invites all Chapters and Leagues of Chapters to begin preparing for VEYM 2024 Student Curriculum Championship/Thi Đua Chương Trình Thăng Tiến Đoàn Sinh. Our second championship will take place at our VEYM Headquarters building this summer. All Leagues of Chapters are invited to provide opportunities for Chapters and encourage youth members to prepare and participate in local competitions leading up to the championship. DETAILS * What: VEYM 2024 Student Curriculum Championship * Who: 1 Companion/Nghĩa Sĩ and 1 Knight of the Eucharists/Hiệp Sĩ nominated by each League of Chapters. * Knight of the Eucharists/Hiệp Sĩ who will turn 18 between March and August 2024 and have not attended Youth Leader Level I training camp are eligible to participate. Affiliated chapter or participants must be in good standing and compliant with VEYM guidelines. To allow opportunities for other members to participate, winners from 2023 will not be eligible to participate. * Where: VEYM headquarters, Anaheim, CA * When: 05:00PM August 30th – 10:00PM August 31st, 2024 * Important: All participating members MUST be present at 0500PM to register and to go through championship orientation. Failure to be present at 0500PM will disqualify participating members. * How: Similar to last year, trivia style questions with timer on the following five categories: * Thánh Kinh / Weekly Gospels from September 2023 to June 2024 * Thánh Thể / Wonders of the Mass Video Series\ * Phong Trào / VEYM Bylaws (organizational structure), VEYM current events, and misc. * Chuyên Môn / Natural skills (Morse, Semaphore, Knots, Nature Signs, Formation/Nghiêm Tập) * Sinh Hoạt / Songs INDIVIDUAL/TEAM PRIZES * 1st place, $500/$1000; * 2nd place, $300/$600; * 3rd place, $200/$400 TRAVEL STIPEND Travel stipend provided (flight ticket not to exceed $500/person, full lodging and meals) for 1 Companion and 1 Knight of the Eucharist member from each League of Chapters. NOMINATION DUE DATE Each League of Chapters to submit the names of 1 Companion and 1 Knight of the Eucharist member by July 30th, 2024. Further logistic details will be communicated to League of Chapters presidents prior to the championship date. Inviting all Leagues of Chapters and Chapters to make every possible opportunity for our members to join. OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT DOCUMENT Official Announcement [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5619b18e-a792-48cf-ab92-1f7a659e85b4/N24-004_VEYM%202024%20Student%20Curriculum%20Championship]   CurriculumContest2024 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e038163b-a7af-4ec7-b3f7-9852b74a8403?width=1080&height=1080]          
Executive Committee Training Course Requirement AND Maisen II, Executive Committee Training Course
March 10, 2024
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, and Youth Leaders: Continuing with the success built over Maisen I, the National Executive Committee invites all eligible members to join us for our upcoming Maisen II in-person Executive Committee Training Course. The unique training course aims to better prepare future Executive Committee officers with the skills and knowledge to successfully carry out their duties and responsibilities, and to streamline our management practices at the Chapter, League of Chapters, and National Executive Committee level. The training course will offer hands-on skills with real world scenarios to assist the Executive Committee officers lead and manage their chapter/league of chapters effectively. The course also highlights information that is specific to the role and responsibilities of each member of the Executive Committee. As announced last year, it is a requirement that all Executive Committee/Ban Chấp Hành members receive the Executive Committee Training Course certificate of completion (virtual or in-person) prior to the installation ceremony/nghi thức tuyên hứa. With the delay in getting the course ready and available virtually for those unable to attend the in-person training, the implementation effective date is extended to the following year, May 1st, 2025. The certificate of completion for the Executive Committee training expires after four (4) years. The Maisen II registration details are below: MAISEN II - EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE TRAINING COURSE LOCATION: Lathrop E. Smith Environmental Education Center 5110 Meadowside Ln, Rockville, MD 20855 TIME: 05:00PM Friday, the 24th of May to 05:00PM Sunday, the 26th of May, 2024 REGISTRATION FEE AND DEADLINE: Free Registration by May 1st, 2024 REGISTRATION ELIGIBILITY: All Youth Leaders/Huynh Trưởng and Lay Chaplain Assistants/Trợ Tá; Currently active within the VEYM; Registered in the VEYM membership database/portal and signed the VEYM Code of Conduct; and Chapter registered under is in compliant with VEYM guidelines and policies. REGISTRATION WEBSITE: https://events.veym.net/ [https://events.veym.net/] QUESTIONS AND ANSWERS: headquarters@veym.net TRANSPORTATION REQUEST: Please fill out this Google Form [https://forms.gle/z4nbWmh8Vqnpv1y48] The National Executive Committee invites all eligible members to make every effort to attend this important training camp to better serve your chapter and league of chapters. Your presence at this training camp will significantly bolster the effectiveness management of the chapter and league of chapters management across the VEYM.   OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT  Official Announcement [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b132eef8-e525-45e7-a157-66addfa07b13/N24-003_Executive%20Committee%20Training%20Course%20Requirement%20AND%20Maisen%20II,%20Executive%20Committee%20Training%20Course]   Maisen2 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/cd78c209-0ae1-457f-b220-f7a988d6f76f?width=1080&height=1080]
Cung Chúc Tân Xuân Giáp Thìn!!
February 10, 2024
Trọng kính quý Đức Cha, quý Cha Tuyên Úy, quý Thầy/Sơ Trợ Úy, quý Trợ Tá, quý Ân Nhân, quý Phụ Huynh, quý Huynh Trưởng xa gần, và các em đoàn sinh:   Mừng Xuân mới, trước nhất, chúng con xin cảm tạ Thiên Chúa với muôn hồng ân Ngài đã ban cho Phong Trào TNTT VN tại HK trong suốt năm qua. Giờ đây, trong giây phút tưng bừng đón xuân, cùng với các ban ngành cấp Trung Ương, chúng con với tấm lòng cảm xúc và niềm trân trọng biết ơn, vì trong năm qua, quý vị luôn nâng đỡ, đồng hành và chia sẻ công việc mục vụ giới trẻ nhằm mục đích xây dựng Phong Trào ngày càng vững mạnh trong đức tin, cậy và mến.  Trước thềm năm mới, nguyện xin tình yêu của Chúa Xuân, qua lời chuyển cầu của Mẹ Maria và các Thánh bổn mạng, ban nhiều phúc lộc, thánh ân và ơn lành xuống trên quý vị từ cấp đoàn, liên đoàn, và trung ương trong năm mới này. Cầu mong trong năm Giáp Thìn, chúng ta cùng chắp cánh với nhau trong yêu thương và hy vọng.  Với tâm tình con thảo ngày đầu xuân, xin mời quý vị cùng chúng con dâng lên Thiên Chúa tất cả những đóa hoa xuân Giáp Thìn trong niềm cảm tạ và tri ân. Tr. Đaminh Hoàng Công Thái Dương, Ph.D. President, National Executive Committee Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement     Vd H7 Lunar New Year Promo [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/1d6751bf-f6d6-45ee-a719-9195ca0d0d5e?width=1080&height=1080]
Sa Mạc Sinai XXXI - HLVSC Training Camp Announcement
February 07, 2024
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, Youth Leader Trainers, and Youth Leaders: The National Executive Committee is pleased to announce to all eligible VEYM members: SA MẠC HUẤN LUYỆN VIÊN SƠ CẤP - YOUTH LEADER TRAINER LEVEL I TRAINING CAMP, SINAI 31 1. Location: Lake Houston Wilderness Park; 25840 FM 1485 New Caney, TX 77357 1. *Nearest airport code with VEYM transportation service; IAH 2. Date & Time: From 02:00 PM Tuesday the 25th to 02:00 PM Sunday the 30th of June, 2024 3. Registration Fee: $300.00 4. Deadline: Apply by the 6th of March, 2024 (late applications will not be accepted) 5. Registration Requirements: 1. 23 years or older; 2. Copy of government issued photo ID and VEYM self-portrait picture; 3. Certified as a Youth Leader Level III for at least 1 year; 4. Currently active within the VEYM; 5. Registered in the VEYM membership database/portal and signed the VEYM Code of Conduct; 6. Application signed by the Chapter President, League of Chapters President, Chapter Chaplain, and League of Chapters Chaplain; 7. Chapter registered under is in compliant with VEYM guidelines and policies and; 8. Recommended by an active Youth Leader Trainer Level. 6. Once the registration is closed, completed applications will be reviewed for recommendation for admission. Applicants recommended for admission will be contacted for an oral quiz to assess baseline knowledge. Study material for the oral quiz is attached. Upon passing the oral quiz, applicants will be officially admitted to Sinai 31 training camp. TRAINING CAMP REGISTRATION GUIDE 1. Go to https://camps.veym.net/ [https://camps.veym.net/] and click on the desired training camp to register 2. Fill out the requested information 3. Complete the respective training camp application form (with all signatures signed) and waiver attached 4. Upload all required documentations and click “add to cart” *Copy of govt. ID, youth leader level III certificate (issued upon promotion, not the certificate of completion issued at the end of the training camp), application form with all signatures signed, waiver form with all signatures signed, and a recommendation letter from an active Youth Leader Trainer. 5. Proceed to checkout and pay with a credit card 6. A confirmation email will be provided for record APPLICATION FORMS Official Announcement [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/cbcdaf71-4c4f-45ac-98aa-73d4fc73e1b4/N24-002%20Thong%20Bao%20Sa%20Mac%20Sinai%2031%20HLVSC%20-%202024.pdf] Liability Agreement [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/120bb2a7-21b5-46bb-9bfa-5422781a331e/LiabilityAgreementSinai31-2024.pdf] Application Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/80e6c37f-51d3-4f98-bd02-199c6e952f6d/Application%20Sinai%2031%20SC014%202024.pdf] Basic Knowledge HLVSC 2024 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5b1a02f7-71f0-4dc9-8e76-3df03b2c6d31/00.%20Basic%20Knowledge%20HLVSC%20(2024).pdf]   sinai31 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/ab6b56db-8db4-463c-99c4-bcafbf68165a?width=1080&height=1080]
VEYM IT Office Hours
February 04, 2024
📢 Join us for VEYM IT Office Hours! 🖥️✨ Struggling with tech issues or just eager to learn more about VEYM's digital resources? Mark your calendars for February 7th at 9 PM EST and tune in for a productive session with our IT specialists. We'll be covering: 🔸 VDH7 Registration technical assistance 🔸 Understanding the difference between VEYM Account and Membership Account 🔸 Exclusive one-on-one support with an IT expert Our friendly team is here to support you. Don't miss out on this opportunity to learn about our IT Services  and resolve any queries you might have! Link to join:   https://url.veym.net/ITOfficeHours  [https://url.veym.net/ITOfficeHours]   Officehours [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/54096f56-70d3-461b-9b39-dc4101021612?width=1080&height=1080]  
Về Đất Hứa 7 Informational Town Hall
January 16, 2024
Please mark your calendars for our VEYM Coming to the Promise Land VII Town Hall on Monday, January 29th, 2024, at 9PM EST.  Please join us for this important informational meeting to learn lots of exciting news regarding this historical event! Kindly help us spread the word.  Thank you very much!  * To join on your computer or phone:  https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall [https://url.veym.net/VDH7TownHall]   * To join via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 273 259 729 485  & Passcode:  K7fYts  * To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone ID: 769 722 009#  Thumbnail Image (3) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/080b2ad9-6b5a-4098-b3ce-7dc8dafc7110?width=624&height=659]
Tiberia XIX - Youth Leader Level III Training Camp
January 13, 2024
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, Youth Leader Trainers, and Youth Leaders: January 13, 2024 The National Executive Committee is pleased to announce to all eligible members of the VEYM the following training camp, Tiberia XIX. SA MẠC CẤP III LÃNH ĐẠO YOUTH LEADER LEVEL III TRAINING CAMP, TIBERIA XIX 1. Location: Mt. Claret Retreat Center 2. Address: 4633 North 54th Street, Phoenix, AZ 85018; nearest airport with VEYM transportation service is “PHX”  3. Date & Time: From 2:00PM Wednesday May 1st to 2:00PM Sunday May 5th, 2024 4. Registration Fee: $250.00 5. Deadline: Apply by February 15th, 2024 (late applications will not be accepted) 6. Registration Requirements: (1) At least 21 years old; (2) A copy of a government issued photo ID and a VEYM self- portrait; (3) Certified as a Youth Leader Level II for at least six months; (4) Currently an active member of VEYM; (5) Registered in the VEYM membership portal and signed the VEYM Code of Conduct; (6) Application must be signed by the affiliated Chapter President, League of Chapters President, Chapter Chaplain, and League of Chapters Chaplain; (7) Chapter affiliated is in compliant with VEYM guidelines and policies. TRAINING CAMP REGISTRATION INSTRUCTION 1. Go to https://camps.veym.net/; 2. Click on the desired training camp to register; 3. Fill out the requested information; 4. Complete the respective training camp application form (with all signatures required) and attached signed waiver; 5. Upload all required documentations and click “add to cart”; *A copy of government issued ID, a VEYM self-portrait, youth leader II certificate (from Cấp 2 promotion, NOT the certificate of completion received after camp), application form and waiver form with all required signatures; 6. Proceed to checkout. 7. A confirmation email will be sent for your records. CANCELLATION POLICY Please send all cancellation request to headquarters@veym.net two weeks before camp start date to receive a full refund minus $10 for the processing fee. For all inquiries, please contact the National Executive Committee at headquarters@veym.net or Tr. Đaminh Đào Đức Khánh at khanh.d.dao@veym.net. The National Executive Committee will review and will inform applicants of their application status and provide all pertinent information to prepare for the training camp after the registration deadline. May Christ, through the intercession of Mother Mary and Saint Joseph, bless you and the good work that you are doing for His glory.   Official Announcement [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d8a865fd-8069-4636-8ca2-abbff0ec6313/N24-001_Tiberia%20XIX%20-%20Youth%20Leader%20Level%20III%20Training%20Camp] Application Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/7dcf11e7-ab4f-43d0-af2a-f527f2034423/Application%20Tiberia%2019%202024.pdf] Liability Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5ef7270f-4b39-430d-a62e-3bc10a48edbb/LiabilityAgreementTiberia19-2024.pdf]   t19 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e55e194c-199f-40f3-a9e5-612b232043d5?width=1440&height=1440]
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!!!
December 25, 2023
Trọng kính quý Cha Tuyên Úy, quý Trớ Úy, quý Trợ Tá, Quý Ân Nhân, quý Huynh Trưởng, và các em Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể: Nhân dịp mừng đại lễ Giáng Sinh, cùng với các ban ngành cấp Trung Ương, nguyện xin tình yêu của Ngôi Hai Nhập Thể ban nhiều ân sủng trên quý vị. Đặc biệt là trong năm mới, xin ngọn lửa của đức tin, cậy và mến, đốt cháy mãi trong tâm hồn của mỗi người chúng ta. Xin chân thành tri ân mọi công sức mà quý vị đã hy sinh cho Phong Trào. From all of us across the VEYM, wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas! May you be filled with the glory, wonder, and joy of the season. As we gather with our family and friends in this joyous celebration, please join our Holy Father in praying for peace in the Holy Land.  Please click on link for Christmas greetings from our General Chaplain:  Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 - Coming to the Promised Land National Convention 7 Announcement
November 23, 2023
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, Youth-Leader Trainers, and Youth-Leaders: Along with the Chaplains at the National Headquarters, the National Executive Committee extends to you greetings of peace, divine blessings and joy on this most blessed occasion of Thanksgiving. In accordance with the Bylaws as set forth by the National Leadership Council with regards to the planning and organizing of the Coming to the Promised Land National Convention, especially after the COVID delay, with great joy, the National Executive Committee hereby officially announce and invite all eligible members to register for the 7th Coming to the Promised Land National Convention. THEME “Though Many, Are One Body” (1 Cor 12:12) LOCATION Camp Kulaqua Retreat and Conference Center 23400 NW 212th Ave, High Springs, FL 32643 Airport Code: MCO or JAX *Shuttle transportation provided, details to follow DATE/TIME 02:00PM Friday, August 9 – 01:00PM Monday, August 12, 2024 REGISTRATION FEE - VEYM REGISTERED MEMBERS * $225.00 by February 17th, 2024 * $275.00 by May 9th, 2024 * $325.00 by July 9th, 2024 No Registration Accepted after July 9th, 2024 VEYM REGISTERED MEMBERS ELIGIBILITY: * Registration at the VEYM Registered Member rate is open to all registered and verified (documented in our VEYM membership portal) Huynh Trưởng, Trợ Tá, Trợ Úy, Tuyên Úy. * Hiệp Sĩ Trưởng Thành (18 years and older) are not eligible to attend. * Hiệp Sĩ Trưởng Thành and future Trợ Tá not yet promoted but will before by July 15th may register early to benefit from the member registration fees. * If not yet promoted by July 15th, the organizing committee will refund to those not yet promoted with the administrative fee above associated with the cancellation. * Spouses and legal dependent children (17 years old and under) of Huynh Trưởng, Trợ Tá, Trợ Úy (permanent deacons) are invited to register together with the registered VEYM member to benefit from the member fee. * Children who will be three (3) years and under during the dates of VDH7 receive complimentary registration, however, must also register with VEYM members. * Registrants must also be in good standing and affiliated Chapter membership dues is current. REGISTRATION FEE - VEYM GUESTS * $275.00 by February 17th, 2024 * $325.00 by May 9th, 2024 * $375.00 by July 9th, 2024 No Registration Accepted after July 9th, 2024 VEYM GUESTS ELIGIBILITY * Former Huynh Trưởng, former Trợ Tá, and international VEYM members are invited to register at the VEYM Guests rate. * Spouses and legal dependent children (17 years old and under) of former Huynh Trưởng and Trợ Tá, and international VEYM members are invited to register with the VEYM Guests registration rate. * Registrants must also be in good standing and the affiliated former Chapter or international country National Executive Committee must sign off prior to final confirmation. * Those not yet signoff by July 15th will be refunded with the administrative fee above associated with the cancellation. * Children who will be three (3) years and under during the dates of VDH7 receive complimentary registration, however, must also register for accountability. REGISTRATION FEE - VEYM CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS MEMBERS * $225.00 by February 17th, 2024 * $275.00 by May 9th, 2024 * $325.00 by July 9th, 2024 No Registration Accepted after July 9th, 2024 VEYM CLERGY AND RELIGIOUS MEMBERS ELIGIBILITY * VEYM affiliated priests, deacons, and religious brothers and sisters (past and present) are invited to register at the special clergy and religious rate. * Those with an active VEYM Members Portal account are encouraged to register under the “Members” registration category. * Those without the Members Portal account are invited to register under the “Priests and Religious” category. * Priests who wish to concelebrate in the liturgy, please send the letter of good standing to the Organizing Committee at vdh@veym.net by July the 15th. VOCATION BOOTH Those wishing to have a complimentary vocation booth at this event, please contact the Organizing Committee at vdh@veym.net by July 15th, 2024. While the vocation booth is complimentary, attendees must register to attend. DEADLINE TO REGISTER * Absolute deadline to register is July 9th, 2024 * Refund available if cancelled by July 15, 2024; 5% administrative fee per cancelled registration. REGISTRATION GUIDELINE * Please visit https://vdh7.veym.net [https://vdh7.veym.net/] to register. * Each person with a Members Portal account must register individually by logging in with their Members Portal account. * Eligible family members (nonmember spouse and/or dependent children 17 years and younger) can be added at registration time and must register TOGETHER in one submission. * In the event both spouses have a Members Portal account, both register separately, however, lodging preference can be noted in the Additional Notes section. * Family lodging is ONLY available for spouses and minor dependents. * To add on additional nonmember spouse and/or dependent children after a registration submission, please email vdh@veym.net. VDH7 WEBSITE AND FACEBOOK GROUP * Please visit https://vdh7.veym.net [https://vdh7.veym.net/] to follow the latest news available regarding registration, activities, competitions, promotions, performances, sports, speakers, daily agenda, networking opportunity, accommodations, vocation booth opportunity, and more. Updates to the website will be made regularly. * Please also join VEYM’s Facebook Group “Coming to the Promised Land 7 National Convention” [https://www.facebook.com/groups/338657608776002/] for live updates. VOLUNTEER REQUEST Share your talents by volunteering in one of the many committees under the organizing committee by visiting https://vdh7.veym.net/. Volunteers must also register to attend. VDH7 TOWNHALL Multiple townhalls available in the near future to provide guidance, updates, and overview. In an effort to come together as one body in Christ, the National Executive Committee calls on all levels of leaderships within the Movement to motivate, encourage and create opportunities for members within your area of responsibility to attend and actively participate in the Coming to the Promised Land 7 National Convention. Thank you for your leadership and as always, please contact us at vdh@veym.net should you have questions. As we continue with our campaign to pray for all souls, we pray that through the mercy of God, may the souls of the departed enter God’s heavenly Kingdom. Amen. Ve Dat Hua [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d4fbfc6f-b875-4ba4-b9c0-29b32907443a?width=750&height=1000] OFFICIAL ANNOUNCEMENT Official Announcement PDF [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/4873907d-45e8-49fd-8316-21c44fd620cf/N23-008%20VDH7%20Registration%20Announcement.pdf]
Spiritual Bouquet Campaign Celebration, Back to School Contest, and Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 registration kick off
November 12, 2023
Tonight, November 12, our VEYM family is gathering virtually at 9:30PM EST for the celebration of our 2023 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign, Back to School Contest, and Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 registration kick off.    Please select one of the following options to join:   1 - Call +1 951-405-2752 . ID 118 143 79# 2 - Click on the following link: https://url.veym.net/VEYMvirtualcelebration [https://url.veym.net/VEYMvirtualcelebration] Meeting ID: 214 566 034 251 Passcode: 3REHuq Image (22) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/8a3eedd4-f9bb-4351-8f68-eed76ea6dfbf?width=975&height=975]
National Vocation Awareness Week 2023
November 05, 2023
Did you know tomorrow marks the beginning of National Vocation Awareness Week?! Join us every day this week to get a sneak peek of our very own VEYM members living out their vocation and to learn more about the joys and beauty of each vocation! Vocations are for everyone! #NationalVocationAwarenessWeek #Vocation #Catholic #CatholicLife #VEYM Check out the playlist on the VEYM Youtube Channel [https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLieCJC88WbxEmB0Y5W7w6Uj-AbvqMh0o7]! Screen Shot 2023 11 08 at 00.16.24 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/34d355b1-69b2-49cb-bdca-699ed364ecf9?width=700&height=400]
The Commemoration of all the Faithful Departed
November 02, 2023
Hello VEYM family and friends, Together with our General Chaplain and all Chaplains of VEYM Headquarters, let us offer up our daily prayers and sacrifices in November to pray for all souls, especially for the souls of departed VEYM members, families, and sponsors. For today’s special intention, please offer one Our Father, 3 Hail Mary, and one Glory Be to pray for the reposed of the departed souls of: * Francis Nguyễn Hoàng Timmie, younger brother of Tr. Nguyễn Hoàng Diana, LDI * Maria Phan Thị Tứ, mother of Tr. Vũ Hữu Chỉnh, Liên Đoàn Sinai * Phêrô Trần Hữu Huy, father of Tr. Trần Hoàng Peter, HSTT Trần Paul, HS Trần Patrick, Liên Đoàn Joan d'Arc In addition, please mark your calendar and save the date for Divine Mercy Prayer Night for All Souls on Nov. 17th. Have a blessed day🙏 371950352 1298961184116868 7683894009512214996 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/becd3056-33ed-427e-b2fa-223312fecf0b?width=1545&height=2000]
VEYM Monthly Eucharistic Adoration with Liên Đoàn Đaminh Saviô
November 02, 2023
Tonight is our VEYM monthly Eucharistic Adoration with the Saint Dominic Savio League of Chapters at 9PM EDT. Please bring your family to join us in prayers. To join, Dial +1 951-405-27522 ID 766 345 268# or url.veym.net/monthlyAdoration [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Furl.veym.net%2FmonthlyAdoration%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3XoywlBi3urMe4_a-FVmronraKOLo1ptHOr_qBjFTVol7Ug-ha_oSQIKk&h=AT0CugoZR7VGDP82Kb4OLG3mLDPbui9cpFNRR8kN-L1fJryUX6BBzJzne3Zfs64Ham3knwodINHvVl_JfS7Pl299Na0XQHpl2OFgw0If_JX7Tbj_GZd4hipmUsjVEJXmfqQdouI&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3eMRUJhD8HgnMDWL2EXQHIPC0KDPbxyFJR0xPoYP3pb2V2PATSL0xyDxUMdJCxnhl7FV_pQATieU-BnGwjWTT-obP6BfySiYa7Vfba7VBJRpfq8J3pxqxOGYVDbEsMtnNO0r3Q8b15gn10rzvUSYd5Egm-iW2lqF9Q3a1LsmSXuXdzxU-b8qM-4veobmgDmtgVihWKMuwZ]   Excited to see you all there! #VEYM [https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/veym?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZVnzmtaZYlvUmQ8M5wTTV6cR-6IqaSFIg8yxGZJlchWaPbSAVWfEB5CtvNSOY6c3zXu3ltnsRnlPv6tJEZiBxyV-EILUrGcJms4sFUpkHVHPoLSXOJ7WcCAD2ZqprjbCDLLgk03_zjJ2EKP7x0l2oKh66KAb1Hso35F1fGo6mJvc9nDegeDgHLbh8E_O5lnI90&__tn__=*NK-R] #eucharisticrevival [https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/eucharisticrevival?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZVnzmtaZYlvUmQ8M5wTTV6cR-6IqaSFIg8yxGZJlchWaPbSAVWfEB5CtvNSOY6c3zXu3ltnsRnlPv6tJEZiBxyV-EILUrGcJms4sFUpkHVHPoLSXOJ7WcCAD2ZqprjbCDLLgk03_zjJ2EKP7x0l2oKh66KAb1Hso35F1fGo6mJvc9nDegeDgHLbh8E_O5lnI90&__tn__=*NK-R] #monthlyvirtualadoration [https://www.facebook.com/hashtag/monthlyvirtualadoration?__eep__=6&__cft__[0]=AZVnzmtaZYlvUmQ8M5wTTV6cR-6IqaSFIg8yxGZJlchWaPbSAVWfEB5CtvNSOY6c3zXu3ltnsRnlPv6tJEZiBxyV-EILUrGcJms4sFUpkHVHPoLSXOJ7WcCAD2ZqprjbCDLLgk03_zjJ2EKP7x0l2oKh66KAb1Hso35F1fGo6mJvc9nDegeDgHLbh8E_O5lnI90&__tn__=*NK-R]   384749355 640894224815754 1851867694682049599 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/728ba583-099c-4f3f-a052-e0d65bdd1e1c?width=2048&height=2048]
Celebrate All Saint Day with Costume Contest
November 01, 2023
Please check out VEYM Official Facebook Page and Instagram to view the saint costume contest video and put in your vote for your favorite video!   394560641 653012230270620 3989690295424045672 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/4a61fbf4-7804-4c07-976e-8301a013eabc?width=1080&height=1080]
Holy-ween Costume Contest 2023
October 01, 2023
Let's have some fun time with our annual Holy-ween Costume Contest!  384121778 640378504867326 6749430944086285518 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/a585dbc2-9769-4aed-b7ca-06304ad002e4?width=1080&height=1080]
Celebrating the VEYM National Day of Prayer with the 2023 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign for Rosary Month and the Holy-Ween Costume Contest
September 24, 2023
During the month of October, every Catholic is invited to participate in praying the Rosary to honor Mary, a key principle within the VEYM: (4.2) Love and honor Mary, Mother of God. As God has chosen Mary to be the first physical tabernacle for Jesus, God also calls each one of us to be holy tabernacles for the Eucharist.  This year, the National Executive Committee and the 12 League of Chapters are working collaboratively in the VEYM's 2023 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign.  We invite every member to answer the call from our Holy Father to pray for the healing of the world.  Let us ask Our Lady of the Rosary to intercede for us for the physical and spiritual healings of everyone. The VEYM's 2023 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign will begin on October 1st on the VEYM National Day of Prayer and end on October 31st . This campaign comprises of three meaningful activities to help us pray, live and serve: 1. Virtual Rosary Prayer - Join our VEYM family every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday at 10:00 PM EDT/9:00 PM CDT/7PM PDT for a rosary prayer session lead by a one of the League of Chapters. 2. Daily Spiritual Bouquet Activities - VEYM members are encouraged to pray at least a decade of Rosary daily to pray for our Holy Father's intention as stated above and take part in the daily activity as suggested in the calendar attached.  3. Holy-Ween Saint Costume Contest.  We dedicate every Tuesday and Thursday of the Spiritual Bouquet Calendar for members to learn about saints who are patron of healing.  All members are invited to learn from the featured saints, as well as those not listed, and practice the saint's virtues. Please submit a short video clip (1 min max) of yourself dressing in the Saint’s costume with your VEYM scarf ans sharing a story of how this Saint helped heal the world. Video clip with pictures, voice over, and musics are also acceptable. Kindly contact Tr Nina Tran at Anh.Tran@VEVM.net for more information. May Jesus in the Eucharist, through the intercession of Our Lady of the Holy Rosary, bless you with grace, love and peace.   Bht 2023 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/8e92e9c4-d6dd-4542-8390-6ae3c916c3c7?width=1584&height=1223]
Back to Sinh Hoat Town Hall
August 22, 2023
All Huynh Trưởng, Hiệp Sĩ Trưởng Thành, and Trợ Tá are invited!  Tuesday, September 5th at 08:30PM Eastern Time Each Chapter should have a representative present to receive updated information.  AGENDA: 1. Reflection on the Eucharist Speaker: Fr. Vinh Pham, LC Young and energetic, not to mention, a tall and holy VEYM priest from the Legionaries of Christ. Loved by many VEYM Chapters and Leagues of Chapters. He recently completed the Camino de Santiago walk during World Youth Day (google it to find out what). 2. Introduction of New General Chaplain and Episcopal Advisors 3. Discussion Topics: 1. New resources for VEYM chapters/members 2. New mandatory requirement for VEYM Huynh Trưởng and chapters 3. Exciting training camp (Phụng Vụ, Maisen, Tiberia, Sinai) / pilgrimage / and event opportunities 4. VEYM 2nd Notional Student Curriculum Tournament 5. Đại Hội Về Đất Hứa 7 / Coming to the Promised Land 7th National Convention 4. Prayer and Blessing  Link to join the meeting: https://url.veym.net/BackToSinhHoatTownHall2023 [https://url.veym.net/BackToSinhHoatTownHall2023]   371113938 625037983068045 5580599290342265498 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/be106bf0-3b16-42a3-9ef1-af40a8fc07f8?width=2048&height=2048]
Congratulations to the finalists of the VEYM National Student Curriculum Tournament!
August 13, 2023
Congratulations to the first ever cohort of finalists who made it to our VEYM National Student Curriculum Tournament!! 🤩🥰🥳  After months of studying, these individuals have successfully competed against their peers at the chapter and League of Chapters level. They were selected to advance to the national stage to represent their League of Chapters at our historic first tournament. Following a night of prayer and bonding, our NS/HS have grown close to one another and have made lifelong friends on this journey. All participants are winners and deserve much accolades. Congratulations!! 👏 🥳 Please put your likes/hearts together and cheer on our top winners:  Individual Nghĩa Sĩ CTTT Tournament * 1st place - Nguyễn Angelina, Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia * 2nd place - Vũ Millicent, Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống * 3rd place - Trần Nina, Liên Đoàn San Diego Individual Hiệp Sĩ CTTT Tournament  * 1st place - Nguyễn Cindy, Liên Đoàn San Diego * 2nd place - Nguyễn Linda, Liên Đoàn Biển Đức * 3rd place - Kiều Anthony, Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia Team CTTT Tournament  * 1st place, Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống (Vũ Millicent and Trần Angelin) * 2nd place, Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia (Nguyễn Angelina and Kiều Anthony) * 3rd place, Liên Đoàn Biển Đức (Đỗ Ethan and Nguyễn Linda)  Congratulations again and God bless!! A special thanks to EVERYONE who made this possible for our NS/HS. Get your NS/HS ready and see you all at the next VEYM National Student Curriculum Tournament. 😇🥰🤩🥳 Ds C04097 01a Min [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b14d8abc-73ea-4e48-b831-4af8ae9d7090?width=5977&height=3968]  
Sinai HLV Congress Registration Deadline Extended
August 12, 2023
LAST CHANCE, DEADLINE EXTENDED TO THIS SUNDAY. REGISTER NOW!! 😇🥰 https://events.veym.net/ [https://events.veym.net/] 🤩🥳 As our VEYM enters the next historic phase, all Chaplains (Tuyên Úy), Religious Chaplain Assistants (Trợ Úy), Youth Leader Trainers (Huấn Luyện Viên), and Youth Leader Trainers candidates (Huấn Luyện Viên dự bị) are invited to this important congress.  The gathering is a wonderful chance to reconnect with other HLVs across the VEYM and get first hand account on major changes to our training camps (Servant Leaders Training Manual / Quy Chế Huấn Luyện) and ways to improve the training curriculum of our training camps across the Movement. As a HLV, by registering, you'll also satisfy your requirement to keep your faculty status current as outlined in the HLV Continuing Professional Development requirements.  We're blessed to have with us bishops, priests, and keynote speakers to dwell into the discussion of the VEYM and the Eucharist. You'll love what is to come in these keynote talks and discussions as we live the year of the Eucharistic Revival.   At the gathering, you'll join VEYM across our Movement to witness the installation of our new General Chaplain (Tổng Tuyên Úy), the introductions of our 3 Episcopal Advisors (Các Giám Mục Cố Vấn cho Phong Trào), and the swearing in of the new National Academic Committee (Ban Nghiên Huấn Trung Ương) board.   Your attendance will level up our Movement's presence in the US as we continue to bring God's love to young people.   366379696 616067590631751 6929820707354092006 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d2704f0f-aef2-4724-a517-ac8b7064b9de?width=2048&height=2048]
VEYM Raffle Results: Congratulations Raffle Winners!!
July 05, 2023
Dearest VEYM family near and far!    Thanks be to God and congratulations to our VEYM raffle winners!! The winning numbers are below. Please share the info widely.   5 Consolation Prizes: 16872; 3685; 31854; 31368; 39221 Golf Club: 0213 Pots and Pans Set: 38515 Round Trip to Europe: 5906 Grand Prize - Tesla: 33331 Congratulations winners!! A special "thank you" to our benefactors and all chapters who helped in selling the raffles and making this effort a success. To claim, please contact Tr. Biên Nguyễn at bien.nguyen@veym.net [bien.nguyen@veym.net].    May God, through the intercession of Mary and St. Joseph, bless you always. May He bless our VEYM movement, our headquarters building, and may He bless the United States of America. Happy 4th of July!!
Teen Mental Health Webinar
July 04, 2023
All VEYM members are invited to this informational presentation by a nationally renowned presenter on the topic of teen mental health and practical ways to approach our young members.  https://url.veym.net/teenmentalhealth [https://url.veym.net/teenmentalhealth]   356724237 592822352956275 7303625819308749174 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e8367735-7816-4efb-a993-1242b12fe8f0?width=705&height=685]
The Response
May 28, 2023
Now that we’ve learned about the call to holiness, how can we respond to that call? In this week’s reel, Tr. Christina shares some small steps you can take to start living out your vocation. #reellifevocation #vocation #catholic #catholicchurch #catholiclife
The Call
May 21, 2023
Have you found the vocation that God is calling you to? Join Tr. Christina in this week’s reel to hear about her vocation story, how she discerned God’s calling for her, and how you can realize your own calling. #reellifevocation #vocation #catholic #catholicchurch #catholiclife
The Search
May 15, 2023
What are you searching for? Do you ever feel unsatisfied in your life? Tune in with Tr. Christina in this week’s reel as we ponder about our desires and how they are signs of what we are actually searching for. #reellifevocation #vocation #catholic #catholicchurch #catholiclife  
What is your vocation?
May 07, 2023
Ever wondered about your purpose in life? Do you know your vocation? Tune in with Tr. Christina in the first of 4 weekly reels to discover your ultimate vocation, and how God is inviting you to live the most beautiful and fulfilling life. #reellifevocation #vocation #catholic #catholicchurch #catholiclife  
World Day of Prayer for Vocations
April 30, 2023
World Day of Prayer for Vocations is a day to celebrate and recognize those who are living out their vocation, in whatever form that may take. CELEBRATING VOCATIONS * Celebrating those who have chosen religious life * Celebrating those who have chosen to marry * Celebrating those who have made a consecration NEW VIDEO SERIES A new video series is coming up highlighting the joys of all vocations.  Follow VEYM on Facebook, Instagram, and Youtube to keep up with updates!  
Celebrate Vocation on World Prayer for Vocations Day!
April 23, 2023
Want a chance to win $100 or a massive pizza party for your chapter??? Join the VEYM challenge below and let us celebrate vocations together!! Deadline is Tuesday!!        Do you know of a former or current VEYM member from your Doan who has entered religious life? (Brother, seminarian, deacon, priest, religious sister/novice/aspirant)   We would love to showcase them and celebrate the joy of religious vocations with all VEYM members! Simply submit their photo, some information, and a quote from them through this form (url.veym.net/WDPV2023 [http://url.veym.net/WDPV2023?fbclid=IwAR36sZa0RdMccqB8Smg7U55co_fQlgd4cfvUwdESQmZ8DTOvLI8QFnjrkn4]). Multiple submissions are welcome!   All photos will be compiled and posted on our VEYM social media on World Day of Prayer for Vocations at the end of April. The deadline for submissions has been extended to Tuesday, April 25th, 2023 at 11:59pm. In addition, all doan who submit the form will be entered to win $100 credit to the VEYM e-store!   Questions? Contact Tr. Christina at christina.p.vu@veym.net       null [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/336cd581-c27a-405b-af11-b4c8765a447d?width=5833&height=5833]
Mother's Day 2023 - Call for submission
April 21, 2023
Đôi khi, trong văn hóa người Việt, những lời khó nói nhất lại chính là những lời yêu thương đến với những người thân của mình, đặc biệt là giữa con cái đối với cha mẹ. Trong ngày lễ Hiền Mẫu năm nay, hãy để VEYM trở thành chiếc cầu nối giúp chuyển lời yêu thương, biết ơn, và tự hào của bạn đến với người mẹ tuyệt vời phục vụ trong phong trào TNTT của mình nhé!   Hãy quét mã QR dưới đây để gửi một tấm hình của mẹ (mang khăn quàng thiếu nhi), tên và số năm phục vụ trong phong trào, kèm theo một lời nhắn nhủ yêu thương (hoặc một bài hát gửi tặng mẹ) về cho Tr. Nina Trần (Ủy Viên Văn Nghệ) trước ngày 1 tháng 5, năm 2023. Mọi thắc mắc, xin liên lạc Tr. Nina tại điện thư anh.tran@veym.net. null [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/12c30d07-84c2-46a6-939d-a6d699b1dddb?width=1280&height=1280]
Maisen I - Ban Chấp Hành Training Camp
April 20, 2023
Register now for Maisen I - Executive Committee Training Camp to enter a raffle drawing to win a beautiful Click-to-Pray e-Rosary bracelet! Location: St. Joseph Retreat House; 8301 Arroyo Dr, Rosemead, CA 91770 Time: 02:00 PM Friday, May  26th to 02:00 PM Sunday, May 28th, 2023 Registration Fee and Deadline: $50.00 by May 21st, 2023 Registration Eligibility: All Youth Leaders/Huynh Trưởng and Lay Chaplain Assistants/Trợ Tá Registration Website: https://events.veym.net/ [https://events.veym.net/] | Questions and Answers: headquarters@veym.net To prepare future Executive Committee officers, in collaboration with the National Academic Committee/Ban Nghiên Huấn Trung Ương, the National Executive Committee will host its first Jordan, Executive Committee Training Camp. There are no pre-camp or post-camp assignments or traditional training camp activities such as the journey of faith or Eucharistic fire. The training will be hands-on with real-world scenarios to assist the Executive Committee officers in effectively leading and managing their chapters/league of chapters.  The National Executive Committee invites all eligible members to make every effort to attend this important training camp to better serve your chapter and league of chapters. Your presence at this training camp will significantly bolster the effective management of the chapter and league of chapters management across the VEYM. null [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/907aec00-9220-4403-99ac-fda21ea187ac?width=1080&height=1080] Maisen1 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6051eb19-806a-4107-909e-b93d4e4c048b?width=1080&height=1080]
Hướng Tâm Lên - Call for Submission
April 19, 2023
On behalf of the VEYM National Executive Committee, blessed and happy Octave of Easter to you and yours! We kindly ask for your participation in our very first VEYM Hướng Tâm Lên E-Journal edition.   Theme: "My Flesh for the life of the world." (Jn 6:51) Please encourage all members in your chapter/league of chapters to submit original poem, artwork, reflective writing, or inspirational story pertaining to theme at https://url.VEYM.net/HuongTamLen2023 [https://nam12.safelinks.protection.outlook.com/?url=https%3A%2F%2Furl.veym.net%2FHuongTamLen2023&data=05%7C01%7Chieu.ngo%40veym.net%7C94fce6428d5b45ab15c108db3b86cf9f%7Cb5c47154d563428d9f1b3216e2435d14%7C0%7C0%7C638169222575204691%7CUnknown%7CTWFpbGZsb3d8eyJWIjoiMC4wLjAwMDAiLCJQIjoiV2luMzIiLCJBTiI6Ik1haWwiLCJXVCI6Mn0%3D%7C3000%7C%7C%7C&sdata=9WmX9D4C%2Bf3EmZjl6frqMsKJavA2EK9jnbt9QVFp1Lg%3D&reserved=0] before May 15th, 2023. Your prayers and contribution are greatly appreciated in our VEYM evangelization efforts. Thank you very much!
Holy Thursday
April 06, 2023
On Holy Thursday, Jesus instituted the sacraments of the Eucharist and the priesthood. Attend Mass today to give thanks for this beautiful gift that Jesus gave so that we may continually be united with Him in Holy Communion. In the Mass, we participate in a heavenly liturgy; the Mass is the greatest gift of God to us and our greatest gift to God.   Pray for the gift of our priests. Through them, we experience Jesus' presence in the sacraments. We ask God to set their souls on fire with love for your people today and every day!
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet day 36: Reflection
April 05, 2023
Reflection is important and even necessary for the spiritual life. “Reflection” comes from a Latin word meaning “to bend back.” The spiritual life calls for a “bending back” of the mind to what has occurred in order for the mind to become open to any and all movements of the Lord in the individual’s life. Spiritual Bouquet day 36: Take time to reflect on your Lenten Journey and thank God for walking with you on this journey
Lenten  Spiritual Bouquet day 35: Attend Mass or receive Spiritual Communion
April 04, 2023
Prayer, Eucharist, Sacrifice, and Apostolic Work: the 4 mottos of VEYM. As a member of Phong Trào, each of us is invited to live Eucharistic Day to help us grow deeper in our Catholic faith Spiritual Bouquet day 35: Attend Mass or receive Spiritual Communion. Bring your donation jar to offer to your church (or bring it Mass the next time you can attend.
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet day 34: Pray for those who will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter.
April 03, 2023
Each year on Holy Saturday during the Easter Vigil, thousands are baptized into the Catholic Church in the United States. Parishes welcome these new Catholics through the Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults. We pray for the candidates for them to continue to grow in the faith and in the love and knowledge of God. Spiritual Bouquet day 34: Pray for those who will be receiving the Sacraments of Initiation this Easter.
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet: Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion
April 02, 2023
Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion Spiritual Bouquet: Before Mass, read and reflect on Palm Sunday of the Lord's Passion (Matthew 26:14-27:66) https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040223.cfm [https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/040223.cfm?fbclid=IwAR2ss0R1W4vQCIsrVeY9kYfkl1XgFP7FI7tcIJcPuFoW0Vtw2vXuiAe-iEY]   Palm Sunday [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/177a49b3-e800-476c-a70e-ddb05dc9c351?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 33: Family Time
April 01, 2023
“Honor your father and your mother, that your days may be long in the land that the Lord your God is giving you.” – Exodus 20:12 Spiritual Bouquet Day 33: Refrain from the internet and spend time with your parents   Family Time [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/9c54e2d4-5689-4d26-9dd2-fa9163ba7e20?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 32: Station of the Cross
March 31, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 32: Join us for Stations of the Cross tonight at 9 pm EST and invite you and your family and friends to pray with us! https://url.veym.net/veym40days [https://url.veym.net/veym40days] Tonight we will pray for all VEYM members, especially for Sa Mạc Lửa Thiêng 55, Sa Mạc Lửa Thiêng 56, and Sa Mạc Samaritanô 75 - Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống and Liên Đoàn Sinai   Stations of the Cross [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/854640eb-029e-42d9-adad-202ffbb7ef00?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 31: Pray the Prayer for the Unborn
March 30, 2023
Lord Jesus, you are the source and lover of life. Reawaken in us respect for every human life. Help us to see in each child the marvelous work of our Creator. Open our hearts to welcome every child as a unique and wonderful gift. Guide the work of doctors, nurses and midwives. May the life of a mother and her baby in the womb be equally cherished and respected. Help those who make our laws to uphold the uniqueness and sacredness of every human life, from the first moment of conception to natural death. Give us wisdom and generosity to build a society that cares for all. Together with Mary, your Mother, in whose womb you took on our human nature, Help us to choose life in every decision we take. We ask this in the joyful hope of eternal life with you, and in the communion of the Blessed Trinity. Amen. Spiritual Bouquet Day 31: With someone else, pray the Prayer for the Unborn, asking God to protect life.   Prayer for Unborn [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/79bfadf2-165f-478f-a4f2-3d94ff93cd38?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 31: Reconciliation is God's greatest gift to the world.
March 29, 2023
Reconciliation is God's greatest gift to the world. Spiritual Bouquet Day 31: Receive the Sacrament of Reconciliation today if you can, or mark your calendar to go on another day   Reconciliation [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/671e8588-f380-4c4e-8771-04e715c55431?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 30: Visit Jesus in the Eucharist at a church if you can.
March 28, 2023
Did you know that Blessed Carlo Acutis's devotion and fervor for the Eucharist were so inspiring, in fact, that the U.S. bishops have named him as the patron for the first year of the National Eucharistic Revival? “The Eucharist is the Highway to Heaven,” he once said, and so far, it’s proven to be such for him. Blessed Carlo Acutis, pray for us, so we can also make Eucharist the core of our lives. Spiritual Bouquet Day 30: Visit Jesus in the Eucharist at a church if you can. Spend time examining your conscience. (visit url.veym.net/lent [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Furl.veym.net%2Flent%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3K-zKhggVKE8u0Hxso4ryTcSEp-iSVeoIsN6C8Ql78EJ7pGt9wM4PykqU&h=AT2ZsNJYhQauE4HO01U3sHreXULLaJH_VC-vPTwZ-t-R2chy3O4W_19GyjD9H5G-8r_V-8sbSXKYwHzyaLUQ-4dX9ihJCYkzoa97gyvn91cGfq--pdHq5HeqxwCGOGrdO5hfg4o&__tn__=-UK*F&c[0]=AT0K5_YVHEDzvEaNKWHafxSPzZ1CvFJ2SJbPllAxYPN1x6T7sKuN6VXgNaGM1eUZ6HHYt2JwP0daM1PKMgPxbK9L2eM5gpeXuiErpUHrQtjD5XsvKiZTPXGd-uYbZGJ8vMvVfGCv4ITXTnrulVHpRL0FqQWR3fJemndCMmS6t1w-JiXzDuJlwpzyE_k7nyN-v2rPD3umCvvc] for the prayer)   Visit Eucharist [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/8bba820c-8d7e-491c-94d5-25cf376fa0f7?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 29: praise God for His creation.
March 27, 2023
In declaring St. Francis of Assisi the Patron saint of those who promote care for nature, the Church recommends Francis as a guide for animal and nature lovers, environmentalists and ecologists. Francis shows us how to live in a way that respects and honors nature as God's creation. Spiritual Bouquet Day 29: Take a walk outside to be with nature and praise God for His creation.   Nature Walk [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/c84b64c8-58bc-4da2-8259-cecb7eedcc92?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet: 5th Sunday of Lent
March 26, 2023
Have a blessed 5th Sunday of Lent!   Spiritual Bouquet: Before Mass, read and reflect on how Jesus raised Lazarus out of death (John 11:1-45) https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/032623.cfm [https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/032623.cfm]   Veym Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign (4) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/31fbd5fe-1374-41fa-bcd6-e5b9a04b3c9c?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 28: Pray for Moms
March 25, 2023
On this Solemnity of the Annunciation of the Lord, we recall the "yes" that Mary gave to do God's will even though she knew that it meant sacrifices and struggles. Mary trusted that God wanted what was best for her and for the world, and in her obedience she became a model for each one of us, especially mothers, who sacrifice so much for their children. May God bring them joy and strength in their journey of motherhood, and may He give all women the courage to protect the most vulnerable, those in the womb.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 28: Pray for all mothers, expectant mothers and those who desire to be mothers.   3 25 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6d366db5-1a02-460e-9357-f7d98dd98f78?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 27: Stations of the Cross
March 24, 2023
Holy God, Be with us as we meditate on your Son’s journey to Calvary. Remind us that still, in this present day, many of your children continue that walk to Calvary, carrying heavy, difficult crosses.   May we be Simon to those whose burdens are too heavy to be borne alone. May we be Veronica to those who need the touch of love and comfort.   And may we, struggling with our own crosses, always remember your promises of justice, mercy and peace. Amen   Spiritual Bouquet Day 27: Join us for Stations of the Cross tonight at 9 pm EST and invite you and your family and friends to pray with us!   url.veym.net/veym40days [url.veym.net/veym40days]   33 (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/1981ef2e-4b7e-48ec-819e-2f62308e5693?width=1080&height=1080]  
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 26: Donation Jar
March 23, 2023
Yesterday you set aside a jar to collect your donations in. Today, challenge yourself to invite others to make an act of love with you so that together with others you can bring Christ's love to many more people.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 26: Invite your family to add to your donation jar, and together with them, choose a charity to give it to at the end of Lent   3 23 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/7ee9f4f6-93cf-435e-b4fc-f71c4516b99b?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 25: Almsgiving
March 22, 2023
Almsgiving is an act of love that involves some type of sacrifice on behalf of the giver in order to provide for the needs of another person. In doing so, we go beyond ourselves and reach out as the face and hands of Jesus to others. Join us today to make an act of almsgiving and make a commitment to continue this practice throughout the rest of Lent so that you can grow closer to Christ through your acts of love.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 25: Put money (any amount) into a donation jar and add a little each day for the rest of the Lent season   3 22 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/07a76b1c-8d19-4c57-91bd-007cef14e7fe?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 24: Pray for Vocations
March 21, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 24: Pray for Vocations   O God, Father of all Mercies, Provider of a bountiful Harvest, send Your Graces upon those You have called to gather the fruits of Your labor; preserve and strengthen them in their lifelong service of you. Open the hearts of Your children that they may discern Your Holy Will; inspire in them a love and desire to surrender themselves to serving others in the name of Your son, Jesus Christ. Teach all Your faithful to follow their respective paths in life guided by Your Divine Word and Truth. Through the intercession of the Most Blessed Virgin Mary, all the Angels, and Saints, humbly hear our prayers and grant Your Church's needs, through Christ, our Lord. Amen.     321 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/970c44cf-9cf5-4621-b708-05664639dbf5?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 22: Feast of St. Joseph
March 20, 2023
On this Solemnity of St. Joseph, let us ask for his intercessions so that we may each know how to live out God's will with grace and joy as St. Joseph did.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 23: Choose an activity to do to celebrate St. Joseph’s Feast Day! 1. Have a Feast with your Family and Friends! 2. Make Handprint Easter Lilies to decorate your home -- https://craftsbyamanda.com/handprint-easter-lily/ [https://craftsbyamanda.com/handprint-easter-lily/] 3. Read Pope Francis’s Apostolic Letter, With a Father’s Heart where he describes St. Joseph as a loving and wonderful father. https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html [https://www.vatican.va/content/francesco/en/apost_letters/documents/papa-francesco-lettera-ap_20201208_patris-corde.html] 4. With your Family and or Friends make a Gingerbread Toolbox for St. Joseph -- https://catholiccuisine.blogspot.com/2009/04/gingerbread-tool-box-for-st-joseph.html [https://catholiccuisine.blogspot.com/2009/04/gingerbread-tool-box-for-st-joseph.html] 5. Find/ print out a picture of St. Joseph and place your family’s picture next to it to ask for the blessing and intercession from St. Joseph, Pillar of Families. 6. Listen to “St. Joseph and the Holy Family” podcast to hear and understand St. Joseph’s role in the Holy Family by Fr. Donald Calloway https://www.spreaker.com/user/wcatradio/destination-sainthood-ep07 [https://www.spreaker.com/user/wcatradio/destination-sainthood-ep07] 7. Pray for a special intention using this prayer to St. Joseph https://www.ourladyswarriors.org/prayer/joseph.htm [https://www.ourladyswarriors.org/prayer/joseph.htm] 3 20 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/f6522143-9c76-474e-8269-e540a06423cf?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet: 4th Sunday of Lent
March 19, 2023
Typically March 19 is the feast day of St. Joseph, but because the Sunday liturgy takes precedence, the Solemnity of St. Joseph was moved to Monday, March 20. In anticipation of the feast day of St. Joseph, pray with us.... C [https://www.catholicbible101.com/St.%20Joseph%20Prayers.pdf]lick here for St. Joseph prayers. [https://www.catholicbible101.com/St.%20Joseph%20Prayers.pdf] Veym Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign (3) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b5face7c-3bd2-41b0-97ed-9fe39469bd11?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 22: Read & Reflect
March 18, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 22: Before Mass this weekend, read and reflect on Jesus curing the blind. John 9:1-41 (https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031923.cfm [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Fbible.usccb.org%2Fbible%2Freadings%2F031923.cfm%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR04qy1CUDZoHIkLsEN2g7r-BeQY3ccuWVXtJPQdt74tv4oZjtFwsWPJ5Nw&h=AT2k50QqX7rytRxNvxWPWqwYm5qwaL_9FRSLIMBG5UOcKtzKnL_einpREhVZp0tlNYpHMJr2FtkzGjxEHNVeOdn4eVy2hrF_dzH7bTWihzn7QXtlOLZ2c8v60Kh1oy6iKrozyJdg09mZr2MO2w&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0Kp-nXYv8ti2SF-oZ1uZPZ2mH1VUweO6YKKEomyNy466H5qfW_QW-YMleWzoEkxEJsDjsefJiQqsGPKoj_UIrCL933rqTQ_KGlASkXZisChdcWIdAYoNxKGgao_9GEMw-_xpl1C7cZen6183zh55zbbVSaqytELAmt1th9idR2bniwnkvd2VM9xKidtv_L6MplUFp8GYXj])   As you reflect on your own spiritual journey, what does seeing with the eyes of the heart mean to you?   3 18 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/19af89a4-c1b0-47a9-869f-c702ce470767?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 21: Stations of the Cross
March 17, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 21: It's another night of Stations of the Cross as we continue to journey with Jesus to Calvary. Join us at 9 pm EST and invite you and your family and friends to pray with us! Tonight we pray for peace and unity around the world.   url.veym.net/veym40days [https://url.veym.net/veym40days]   33 (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6141cd66-be7b-42cd-adbb-a33255251ae1?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 20: Reflect
March 16, 2023
"Be still and know that I am God" (Psalm 46:10)   Spiritual Bouquet Day 20: Refrain from YouTube and TV for the day and find time to sit in silence for 15 minutes.   3 16 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6dd385e0-dcd5-4e51-b7c7-d196daa924e0?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 19: Pause & Reflect
March 15, 2023
We are in the 3rd week of Lent. This is a good time to pause and reflect on how your Lenten journey has been going.   What has your attitude toward the Lenten season been like? Is there some part of your life that you feel drawn to examine or give to God more of as you have journeyed this Lent?   Spiritual Bouquet Day 19: Visit Jesus at Eucharistic Adoration to reflect on your Lenten Journey so far. If you are unable to make it to a church for Eucharistic Adoration, find a quiet place in your house for prayer.   315 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/24e888b3-5664-4fb6-9302-be702d43b96a?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 18: Visit the Elderly
March 14, 2023
During Lent, we are called to practice the Corporal Works of Mercy. The elderly in our lives may not physically hunger or thirst, but spiritually, emotionally and mentally, they may hunger and thirst for God's love, comfort and friendship. You can play a role in fulfilling that hunger and thirst by taking time to visit, call or do something special for them. Take a moment today to find a way to bring Christ to the elderly in your lives!   Spiritual Bouquet Day 18: Visit or call your grandparents or the elderly today!   314 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/99a9c3b2-cde1-4b2a-aefb-0b8841cc83ec?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 17: Pray for the Sick
March 13, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Activity Day 17: As a family, pray for the sick and poor. Click here the printable version of a prayer for the sick. [https://www.chausa.org/docs/default-source/prayers/141208_100_daysweeklyprayer_en.pdf?sfvrsn=4] Prayer for the Sick [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6d84c02a-be2b-4a78-bc78-1c199e8b4be1?width=1700&height=2200]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet: 3rd Sunday of Lent
March 12, 2023
Before Mass, read and reflect on Jesus is the source of Living Water. John 4:5-42 [https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/031223.cfm] Veym Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign (2) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/c584eb9a-ac4e-4e0a-9b7e-19a92aec3af2?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 16: Pray for Souls in Purgatory
March 11, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 16: Gather your friends this weekend before your TNTT time and pray 10 Hail Marys for the souls in purgatory   The souls in purgatory have died in God’s grace and friendship, and are now being purified “so as to achieve the holiness necessary to enter the joy of heaven” (CCC 1030).   Our prayers offered to God on their behalf helps them be cleansed more quickly, and once in Heaven, they in turn will pray for us with a grateful heart.   Jesus told St. Faustina: “Bring to Me the souls who are detained in purgatory, and immerse them in the abyss of My mercy. Let the torrents of My Blood cool down their scorching flames. All these souls are greatly loved by Me. They are making retribution to My justice. It is in your power to bring them relief. Draw all the indulgences from the treasury of My Church and offer them on their behalf. Oh, if you only knew the torments they suffer, you would continually offer for them the alms of the spirit and pay off their debt to My justice” (Dairy of St. Faustina 1226)   A simple prayer that we can say at the end of our 10 Hail Marys for the souls in purgatory is called the Fatima Prayer. It was given to the 3 children in Fatima when she appeared to them:   “O my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of Hell, and lead all souls to Heaven, especially those in most need of Your Mercy.”   34 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/c99d3b98-345e-4f5c-8ff6-b0a60957b5c1?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 15: Stations of the Cross
March 10, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 15: We will be meditating on the Stations of the Cross tonight at 9 pm EST and invite you and your family and friends to join us!   As we walk with Jesus' to Calvary, we will unite in praying for the protection of life at all stages, that all may bear witness to the dignity of all whom God has created.   url.veym.net/veym40days [http://url.veym.net/veym40days] 33 (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d1fdaee7-3cd1-4a74-99f6-c0ec06be8e43?width=1080&height=1080]  
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 14: Reflect
March 09, 2023
Some days, God's presence is clouded by the stresses, anxieties and challenges of daily life. But through faith, we trust in His promise that He is with us always, protecting us and guiding us to holiness so that we can have eternal life with Him. "I am with you and will protect you wherever you go, and bring you back to this land. I will never leave you until I have done what I promised you." (The Lord said to Jacob in a dream; Genesis 28:15) Spiritual Bouquet Day 14: Before bedtime tonight, reflect on your day and notice where God was present. The Daily Examen is a wonderful way to reflect on God's presence. Visit https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian.../the-examen [https://www.ignatianspirituality.com/ignatian-prayer/the-examen] to see a guide for the Daily Examen.   335430541 604148841729385 5524578802351812777 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/02af556c-dd0c-49cd-8308-515b1926aae8?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 13: No Extra Things
March 08, 2023
When we simplify our lives, we can more easily see God in the midst of it. Spiritual Bouquet Day 13: Beginning today, make a commitment to refrain from buying things that you don't need.   334970642 181839161253590 1416465757564373434 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/49dd6007-6a4f-4f15-a1a7-ad2a911148f9?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 12: Family Time
March 07, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 12: Refrain from social media and spend time with your siblings/family. "The ultimate goal of fasting is to help each one of us to make a complete gift of self to God." (Pope Benedict XVI) When we fast from things like social media, our time is opened up to spend with real people in our lives. Use today to spend extra time with your families. One of the most magnificent gifts from God to us as humans is our families. Find a game to play with a sibling. Take a walk with mom or dad. Give grandma or grandpa a call and tell them about your day. Whatever it is you choose to do, it will be a magnificent gift of self that you can give back to God this Lenten season.   333551587 2131857943665692 368164615975578828 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/0ef61e19-a622-483b-801e-6e2f95dbaf95?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 11: Gratitude
March 06, 2023
Blessed Solanus Casey would often say, "Thank God in advance." Gratitude can change the course of our day and our week in so many ways. Most importantly, it helps us learn to trust in God more as we give him thanks for every moment of our day (the good and the bad), trusting that all that happens is part of His will for our lives. Spiritual Bouquet Day 11: Make a list of 10 things you are grateful for in your life, and write "God is good!" after each one This is a great way to start off your week! Have a blessed Monday!   334948999 716348253367711 4407073426639674274 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/27a94544-fe3f-4409-90c6-06081bfcc617?width=1080&height=1080]
Virtual Lenten Recollection with Bishop Larry Silva
March 05, 2023
https://url.veym.net/LentenRetreat [https://url.veym.net/LentenRetreat] Img [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d7d4b3f0-4ea6-43c1-bbea-a6a43132674b?width=1280&height=1280]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet 2nd Sunday of Lent
March 05, 2023
Wishing everyone a blessed Sunday!   Spiritual Bouquet 2nd Sunday of Lent: Before Mass, read and reflect on the Transfiguration of Jesus (Matthew 17:1-9)   https://bible.usccb.org/bible/readings/030523.cfm   Veym Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/8d61a0f3-349a-49ad-9800-bff7ca9c1748?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 10
March 04, 2023
The Luminous Mysteries help us to meditate on the public life of Jesus -- From His baptism to His first miracle and from His proclamation of the Kingdom to His Transfiguration, and the beautiful gift of He left us in the institution of the Eucharist.   Find time this weekend to pray and reflect on the 4th Luminous Mystery, which is the Transfiguration, which is also the Gospel that will be proclaimed at this Sunday's Mass.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 10: Gather friends or family to pray 10 Hail Mary prayers, reflecting on the 4th Luminous Mystery -- The Transfiguration.   34 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/073f549d-0e97-4905-9d03-f9feaf705b06?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 9
March 03, 2023
The Stations of the Cross allow us to meditate on the passion and death of Jesus so that we can unite our sufferings with the Cross of Christ. In doing so, we can be transformed by His grace.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 9: Join us tonight at 9 pm EST to be transformed by His grace as we meditate on the Stations of the Cross this Lenten Season.   url.veym.net/veym40days [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=http%3A%2F%2Furl.veym.net%2Fveym40days%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3cG4Mf5GQ8UM9sRasIwgvF6vpZklkv9dHrH2rQO6zBduuRsvkRr_ZRcCQ&h=AT39_6JK8OECdCd5nRQTe4U70TwVv67e3b0Q2eI7r3k8Zu3HrwzWRLJ6eX10jZ17vW1gg3Cp3P4Rg8TLZ6flCVgriBzZDQbjd7kJjD6OPeq3cjfdNDsEjismNe_pap_VVQ&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT0mUbTVKPNYXD5kgClGSSUvLKjnYUsjUkuxezcNEQRUVoTmnWqleD3L1p0KaT8oEJLOGQMj0aAdC2tTmw-5ZtiGHBwhXlUOmelZeaTwBlHvpOVDfDWVcNwHdHGaijVCoJWF1kmDQe7Oo2ZFfp40tmbiFAukO1I40e1xYfaBq31VWcfVf6eZHB67Ay8xkE2FMZfAsZfsejkj]   33 (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/08dab758-cd09-4b2b-8aec-9ed5ae1559e0?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 8
March 02, 2023
Before He died on the cross, Jesus gave us the gift of himself in the Eucharist during the Last Supper. Lent is the perfect time draw closer to Jesus in the Eucharist so that we learn to do God's will just as He did.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 8: Join VEYM for virtual monthly Eucharistic Adoration 9 pm EST   Link to join: https://url.veym.net/monthlyAdoration [https://url.veym.net/monthlyAdoration]   Dial +1 951-405-2762 ID: 229 763 828#   ldrk-adoration [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/95cba12a-c127-44a6-9a80-bc3f7b86bcae?width=960&height=956]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 7
March 01, 2023
The Catechism of the Catholic Church says: "Praise is the form of prayer which recognizes most immediately that God is God. It lauds God for his own sake and gives him glory, quite beyond what he does, but simply because HE IS. It shares in the blessed happiness of the pure of heart who love God in faith before seeing him in glory." (CCC 2639)   Through the sacrifice of His Son for our sake, we know the love of God.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 7: As we reflect on His love during this Lenten season, let us offer up today the Divine Praises, a beautiful prayer of praise for God.   Blessed be God. Blessed be His Holy Name. Blessed be Jesus Christ, true God and true Man. Blessed be the Name of Jesus. Blessed be His Most Sacred Heart. Blessed be His Most Precious Blood. Blessed be Jesus in the Most Holy Sacrament of the Altar. Blessed be the Holy Ghost, the Paraclete. Blessed be the great Mother of God, Mary most Holy. Blessed be her Holy and Immaculate Conception. Blessed be her Glorious Assumption. Blessed be the name of Mary, Virgin and Mother. Blessed be St. Joseph, her most chaste spouse. Blessed be God in His Angels and in His Saints. Amen. DivinePraises [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/2bf7d3b4-e1df-4be1-b110-9b695ba82e59?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 6
February 28, 2023
Giving takes us beyond ourselves and helps us be in communion with others as one body of Christ. By giving during Lent we can practice a spirit of generosity. Let's begin our spirit of giving with a simple act of a donation of things you may have outgrown.   Spiritual Bouquet Day 6: Go through your clothes and donate to charity what you no longer wear.   donate [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/cfbad560-1690-4f66-82d7-31226780c2e6?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 5
February 27, 2023
When we choose to give up something during Lent, it opens up our time and our hearts. What you do with that extra time or extra focus in your life is your beautiful gift to God. Today's let's offer God the wonderful gift of our families. Spiritual Bouquet Day 5: Fast from playing video/computer/ phone games and spend time with your family instead   333802403 5741296712646733 8646421763290998209 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/9a30be4c-93db-4137-8a39-f8b1e97e8ee0?width=1080&height=1080]
Happy Sunday!
February 26, 2023
Happy Sunday!!! Spiritual Bouquet Activity: Read and reflect on the Sunday Gospel   333379954 1400965667374900 377752761683241843 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d844f744-9863-424b-8283-09946453aea4?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 4
February 25, 2023
Before His Passion and death, Jesus left us all the beautiful gift of Himself in the Sacrament of the Eucharist. He is present body, soul and divinity in the Eucharist. This means that we are never alone, and He awaits us always in the tabernacle of every Catholic church. Make it a practice to do today's Spiritual Bouquet activity every time you get to church! Lent Spiritual Bouquet Day 4: When you arrive at church before doing anything else, gather friends to go say hi to Jesus in the Eucharist (Watch Episode 2 of the Wonders of the Mass to learn about the reverent posture you can make when you greet Jesus in the church -- https://youtu.be/2x6NNQ5zjnc [https://youtu.be/2x6NNQ5zjnc])   332470189 723068129191457 6900330329984921658 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b2b1960b-43fa-49c7-998b-53c65658d87e?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 3
February 24, 2023
This Lent, we invite you to focus on the here and now, the present moment, and whatever is happening in your life. This is where God wants you to be, and He has a purpose for every moment of your life. We just have to be still to discover what it is He is calling us to in these moments. Today's spiritual bouquet activity is a challenge for us to let go of distractions that don't allow us to hear God speaking to us in the moments of our day. Will you take the challenge with us? Lent Spiritual Bouquet Day 3: Refrain from using your headphones for the day and instead be present.   333218735 1241263160149089 7948410401900679980 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/035a5075-f84e-4b9c-b8bb-9326d0acd9b9?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Day 2
February 23, 2023
Spiritual Bouquet Day 2: Choose something to offer to God, whether it is giving something up or doing something extra. When you give something up or do something extra for God, you are going beyond yourself and this helps you take big steps on the path to holiness. Perhaps try both! In giving up something, it opens up time or emotional space for you to experience new things. You may find you have more time to spend with someone who needs to see Jesus through you, read the Bible, or make a visit to Eucharistic Adoration when you give up an hour of social media or games. Whatever you choose to do, offer it up to God and He will strengthen you in persevering with this commitment during this Lenten Season. (See the whole Lent Spiritual Bouquet calendar at https://url.veym.net/BHTlent2023 [https://url.veym.net/BHTlent2023])   332948025 735240178165385 508158569332192416 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/8f28abc6-2106-444d-9150-b179e66105e6?width=1080&height=1080]
Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign
February 22, 2023
Our Lenten Spiritual Bouquet Campaign begins today. Let's unite together as a VEYM family (and invite your friends) to reflect on the immense love God has for us. Take time to pray, fast, give as your offering to God for the gift of His son Jesus for us. Scan the QR Code or visit https://url.veym.net/BHTlent2023 [https://url.veym.net/BHTlent2023] to access our 40 Days of Lent Spiritual Bouquet calendar for daily ideas on how you can live Lent for God this year. Share this post and invite your family and friends to join you on this journey! Today's activity: Fast & pray and offer this Lenten season to God by attending Mass to receive ashes. Remember to also abstain from meat today. Have a blessed and holy Lenten Season.   332942838 1155553505026597 8715947527648059784 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/84778f75-cb28-4ead-8fd1-9885c789a228?width=1080&height=1080]
Lent Spiritual Bouquet
February 17, 2023
Veym Fb Event Cover (1) [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/a22c706e-6bfc-4664-a7ec-29c2834fd12d?width=1920&height=1080]Lent is a time to grow deeper in love with God who is LOVE! Let us remove ourselves from the many societal distractions and focus just on LOVE. If we believe in Jesus, in the Real Presence, then we believe it is Jesus in the Most Holy Eucharist who dwells in the tabernacle. Let us with full intent, make a point to visit the Blessed Sacrament in our churches regularly during this first Lent of our national Eucharistic Revival. If we absolutely cannot do so, let us visit Him in our hearts and receive Him spiritually. Beginning Ash Wednesday, all members are invited to join the National Executive Committee, Leagues of Chapters and Chapters across the country to partake in the Lenten 40-Day Spiritual Bouquet Campaign. It is important that Chapters make time weekly together during the Lent season to pray and live Lent through the small daily acts of prayer, fasting, and alms giving. Click here [https://url.veym.net/BHTlent2023] to access the calendar of activities that is designed to help members take a spiritual journey this Lent. Follow along on our Facebook page [https://www.facebook.com/veym.usa.tntt] for daily reminders! View the official announcement [https://veym-my.sharepoint.com/:b:/g/personal/liz_c_pham_veym_net/ERAz1qUY2JVPk5MAJdXeM-UBtAO6Mebo1VcBNudLnTw8HQ?e=maeAxd] about the Spiritual Bouquet Campaign.  
Reminder: VEYM monthly Virtual Adoration with  Saint John Paul II Leaque of Chapters
February 02, 2023
VEYM monthly Virtual Adoration lead by the Saint John Paul II Leaque of Chapters, February 2nd, 2023 at 9:00PM Eastern Time Monthly Adoration [http://url.veym.net/monthlyAdoration]
Special Needs Series #2: Bullying - Prevention & Intervention
January 25, 2023
Join us for another invaluable session to better accompany our youth. See you soon! url.veym.net/bullyingprevention [http://url.veym.net/bullyingprevention?fbclid=IwAR2DeXz1v3QQVHe054bSblGDaKJE7razxT0vfTYHVMDeDaMB2_a2MXPhtfA]
March for Life in D.C. January 20th, 2023
January 20, 2023
If you're in the Washington, DC area, join Liên Đoàn Đaminh Saviô [https://www.facebook.com/ldds.tntt?__cft__[0]=AZUZEWixDYvieWgZ1XvkXFVMGC7hB8UvX8ZtYEQTAwN6LwuXghQBCnp7r1ETKb1M3Q6vZnVPer9DJYR03DxQ0uEXHbhRB1M-Qhtit6OlQZT7Je8-Xs0fHAW9bzbtEB00KJvu9A8OkXBt0ypWBxu87ipsk1LJ-JWVqHDtlcZqLqRXQWO4TAOULh0e4E9gtKEvHug&__tn__=-]K-R] and VEYM to march for and celebrate LIFE. Inviting all Leagues of Chapters and Chapters to actively participate in state and/or local marches. For more info, please visit marchforlife.org. [http://marchforlife.org/?fbclid=IwAR0CJYflUgqd41nVZbrdxlEGneJlZ7OeGjC8cZ13a0k9aUfM9Z_jndiJ5nU] See you Friday!!
Wonders of the Mass Video Series Launches
January 13, 2023
Be sure to checkout our new weekly video series that helps you grow closer to Jesus in the Eucharist through the Mass!  Wonders of the Mass [https://veym.net/eucharistic-revival/wonders-of-the-mass] Every Monday throughout 2023, beginning Jan. 2, 2023, we will dive into an aspect of the Mass to EXPLORE its meaning, UNDERSTAND its purpose and share ideas on how we can LIVE the Mass when we leave the Mass. By the end of 2023, you’ll have 52 new insights into the Mass that will help you more fully participate in, love and appreciate this special encounter with Jesus in the Eucharist!   https://veym.net/eucharistic-revival [https://veym.net/eucharistic-revival]  
Monthly Eucharistic Adoration Tonight
January 05, 2023
Mark your calendar to join VEYM and Liên Đoàn Inhaxiô of Loyola at 6PM PST- 8PM CST- 9PM EST on Thursday 1/5/2023 for our very first Monthly Eucharistic Adoration of the year!   Journeying with the USCCB’s National Eucharistic Revival movement, Monthly Eucharistic Adoration is one of the many initiatives VEYM launches this year to help members grow deeper in love with Jesus’ Real Presence in the Eucharist.     To join, Dial +1 951-405-2762 ID: 229 763 828# Or visit https://url.veym.net/monthlyAdoration [https://l.facebook.com/l.php?u=https%3A%2F%2Furl.veym.net%2FmonthlyAdoration%3Ffbclid%3DIwAR3IijZRdtDzNVx66sekVq8v8laAwk4tDxj7PBeuzmq9stO63aRG2YoWv-g&h=AT2VXQ7IiwUndcJgy4J2AbXhgMcHB4URsTY3R4qJxXvXcCO7XQh3JZsrEaORRp-76yFPLpeHASkpIDtedo2XGGrWkWJRTb8csAH1cmcIT1bjooY_79TD5weTwBuN5qxe6GZvmv4&__tn__=-UK-R&c[0]=AT3XPoHHnOvzRKCgzzJwxgMQ1MJ02AZkBEPOfWLwyOkWPenhTcdFr36ptaRkY4lSCz3adsHx7CevDxbG2HIvTmEktDkAxeWDDqrv98BfUSCMp4MB0v4mBdK3n6595n83wx5DfQisxEPKyqCP4sLjYEG7CXKlUrrz-2UMMydLS9G5C7dzC1W4CMftAc9zriTZjSCIVVAsg5ZQW5O7jkDZSCjlVnEcZAuj3GG2_NNTq7Y_RX_imK1Oj68]   Janadoration2023 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/9ea3eca1-0a82-4926-8d35-7f1a0513e41f?width=1053&height=1053]
National Day of Apostolic Works & Facebook Giving Tuesday 2022
November 14, 2022
In the spirit of Thanksgiving, the National Executive Committee invites you to participate in this year's Facebook Giving Tuesday Campaign for Charity and the VEYM National Day of Apostolic Works campaign. Please see attached memorandum for more details.  We also humbly ask the League of Chapter Presidents and all Chapter Presidents to kindly share these initiatives with your chapters and encourage the charitable spirits participation.  Ndaw2022 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/be7ae84c-bce2-4595-af8c-6f096be88831?width=909&height=706] Givingtuesday [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e0f287b4-24cd-461d-95ff-1b11ac3cba0a?width=685&height=912]
Procedure for VEYM Promotions; Ordering of VEYM Scarves and Rank Certificates
November 10, 2022
BCHTU chúng con xin gởi lời chào thân ái nhất đến quí vị. Chúng con xin quí vị vui lòng xem các văn thư cập nhật đính kèm liên quan đến việc thăng cấp cùng cách đặt chứng chỉ, huy hiệu, khăn quàng, và đồng phục chính thức của Phong Trào.  Mọi thắc mắc và góp ý, xin quí vị liên lạc với chúng con tại điện thư headquarters@VEYM.net.  Please see the updated policy regarding the application process for VEYM promotions and the process of ordering VEYM scarves, rank certificates, insignia badges, and official merchandise. If you have any questions, please kindly email headquarters@VEYM.net.  BCHTU chúng con chân thành cảm ơn lòng yêu thương và hỗ trợ của quí vị dành cho Phong Trào.  Đặc biệt là sự hợp tác của mọi người giúp chúng con trong việc quản lý các qui trình trên.  Nguyện xin Anh Cả Giêsu, qua lời chuyển cầu của Mẹ Maria và Thánh Cả Giuse, chúc lành và gìn giữ quí Cha, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá, quí Huynh Trưởng và toàn thể thành viên. The National Executive Committee appreciates your ongoing love and support for the Vietnamese Eucharistic Movement, especially your cooperation in assisting the Headquarters in managing this process. May the love and grace of Jesus Christ, through the intercession of Mary and Saint Joseph, bless you always N22 009 Procedure for Veym Promotions; Ordering of Veym Scarves and Rank Certificates [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/6e2f7c1e-c922-4d14-9744-0991da099c71/N22-009%20Procedure%20for%20VEYM%20Promotions;%20Ordering%20of%20VEYM%20Scarves%20and%20Rank%20Certificates.pdf] Code of Conduct Acknowledgement Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/1f3054c4-21fb-4a65-ac13-70a37618d575/Code%20of%20Conduct%20Acknowledgement%20Form.pdf] VEYM TNTT Code of Coduct Final Version 09/06/2022 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/1ef1e5ed-8aa5-446b-8c11-be571eaeae61/VEYM%20TNTT%20Code%20of%20Coduct%20Final%20Version%209-6-2022.pdf] Đơn Xin Thăng Cấp Và Trao Khăn HT/TT/HLV [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5529d544-86f7-437f-af4a-3a6ea9fd303f/%C4%90%C6%A1n%20Xin%20Th%C4%83ng%20C%E1%BA%A5p%20v%C3%A0%20Trao%20Kh%C4%83n%20HT-TT-HLV_Fillable.pdf] Đơn Xin Trao Khăn Trợ Uý Và Tuyên Uý [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/0582dca3-b2ce-4108-bd6b-472cda8eb2d5/%C4%90%C6%A1n%20Xin%20Trao%20Kh%C4%83n%20Tr%E1%BB%A3%20U%C3%BD%20v%C3%A0%20Tuy%C3%AAn%20U%C3%BD_Fillable.pdf] Post Camp Completion Verification Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/f5302d0d-47be-495f-a8e5-78ecb322036a/Post-Camp%20Completion%20Verification%20Form_Fillable.pdf] Promotion Request Excel Sheet [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/e95a86a0-c335-4fa1-bdb2-5cfe4d827bdb/Promotion%20Request%20Excel%20Sheet%209-6-22.xlsx]
Updated Training Camp Announcement - Tiberia 17, 18 & Sinai 30
November 07, 2022
Xin kính gởi đến quí Cha và quí Trưởng thông báo cập nhật về các sa mạc: Tiberia 17, Tiberia 18 và Sinai 30.  Xin quí vị xem thông tin đính kèm.  Chúng con kính xin quí Tuyên Úy khuyến khích và tạo mọi điều kiện giúp các HT tại địa phương tham gia các sa mạc trên.  Xin quí Liên Đoàn Trưởng và Đoàn Trưởng phổ biến thông tin đến các Huynh Trưởng trong Đoàn/Liên Đoàn. N22 011 (Amended) Thong Bao Sa Mac Tiberia 17 & 18 and Sinai 30 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/f2f498f8-9a3c-4a78-a889-4a3e074f1d31/N22-011%20Amended%20Thong%20Bao%20Sa%20Mac%20Tiberia%2017%20&%2018%20and%20Sinai%2030%20-%202023.pdf] Application Sinai 30 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/393fdb41-8e48-473b-ab9d-1b1238d8f8a5/APPLICATION%20FOR%20HLVTC%20SINAI%2030] Application Tiberia 17 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/9b987e74-6afb-490a-a371-8cc537fc1944/APPLICATION%20FOR%20CAP%203%20TIBERIA%2017] Application Tiberia 18 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/7960dfa6-adf0-4500-8c1d-f8725c333d47/APPLICATION%20FOR%20CAP%203%20TIBERIA%2018] VEYM Participant Agreement Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/75a44fda-67ca-4206-840d-845cc2fc1be6/VEYM%20PARTICIPANT%20AGREEMENT%20FORM]  
VEYM Raffles - Headquarter Building Renovation and Debt Payoff
November 07, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   On behalf of the VEYM National Executive Committee, happy National Vocation Awareness Week! We are forever grateful to all of our beloved Chaplains and Clergical Chaplain-Assistants for your "yes" and for your joyful presence in our lives.  We lovingly lifted all of you up in our prayers along with the prayer intention for more vocations to the priesthood, diaconate and consecrated life in the world.   As presented at the Joshua & Youth Leader Trainers Congress in July, please find the letter from the General Chaplain to the Chapter Chaplains and the letter from the Finance Committee in regard to the VEYM Raffles Fundraising Campaign attached.  We sincerely ask for your generosity in prayers for the initiative. Also, please kindly help spread the words and actively participate so VEYM can meet the financial needs of the local chapters while having the financial means to renovate our headquarters building to better serve our mission to educate youths to become virtuous people and holy Christians.  Thank you so much for your generous support!   To request raffle tickets click here: https://url.veym.net/RaffleRequest [https://url.veym.net/RaffleRequest]       Raffles [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/81702d03-dcfa-486b-b98e-b5478bb5eaa2?width=1000&height=1500]       United in the Eucharist * VEYM Special Raffle Fundraising Campaign [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/f3c17848-89ed-4293-9513-237371380a26/VEYM%20Special%20Raffle%20Fundraising%20Campaign.pptx] * VEYM HQ Building Donation Pledge Form [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/5195fdf6-fb9c-4fe4-94fb-c9ff165a1e03/VEYM%20HQ%20Building%20Donation%20Pledge%20Form%20-%20Fillable.pdf] * Thư Kêu Gọi Từ Veym Ban Tài Chánh 2022 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/a2498010-c27b-4d5d-adbc-520ca960e343/Thu%CC%9B%20Ke%CC%82u%20Go%CC%A3i%20tu%CC%9B%CC%80%20VEYM%20Ban%20Ta%CC%80i%20Cha%CC%81nh%202022%20Final.pdf] * VEYM Bán Vé Số 2022 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/bfe290c5-6252-430d-9ffb-c718f84d7890/Thu%CC%9B%20Gu%CC%9B%CC%89i%20Quy%CC%81%20Cha%20Tuye%CC%82n%20U%CC%81y%20-%20VEYM%20Ba%CC%81n%20Ve%CC%81%20So%CC%82%CC%81%202022%20Final.pdf]
VEYM Membership Management System Raffles
November 06, 2022
This is a kind reminder that membership enrollment and membership dues deadline is November 30th 2022.  Please see the attached flyer for more information on your chance to win membership plaform raffles for individual and chapter.  Also, please help spread the word and encourage your chapter's executive committee to complete. Thank you so much!   Membership Platform Raffles [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/67ccd30d-bbe0-4421-843d-1cd589048c38?width=1728&height=2304]   N22-013 Membership Dues, Due Date and Service Eligibility [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/f8c27d69-39d2-4ba5-b221-83aff929b2ab/N22-013_Membership%20Dues,%20Due%20Date%20and%20Service%20Eligibility] N22-008 Membership Management System [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b354352d-f3be-414b-b999-256947fb98fe/N22-008_Membership%20Management%20System]
Happy All Hallows' Eve!
October 31, 2022
On behalf of VEYM National Executive Committee, greetings and happy All Hallows' Eve to you and your loved ones!  You may recall reciting it in the Lord's Prayer, "Our Father who art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" (Mt 6:9).  The term hallow means "holy". The three days of All Hallows' Eve, All Hallows' Day, and All Souls' Day are collectively known in our Church as Allhallowtide.  This is a time we, the Church Militant, honor the saints (the Church Triumphant) and pray for all souls (the Church Suffering in purgatory).     Traditionally, the Church grants plenary indulgences to the faithful each day from November 1st to November 8th when they visit a cemetery to pray for the departed and fulfill the indulgence requirements. Since praying for the departed is a responsibility of all VEYM members, we highly encourage you to visit a cemetery in the next 8 days to pray for and obtain indulgences for the recently departed souls.  Please save the date to gather for our VEYM virtual Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer for all souls in purgatory on November 18th, 2022 at 7 PM PDT / 9 PM CDT / 10 PM EDT. Kindly use the following link to dial in https://url.veym.net/Pray4AllSouls [https://url.veym.net/Pray4AllSouls]   Also, don't forget to join the VEYM 2022 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign celebration. Please see the following flyer for more information: BHTCelebration [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/82cb079c-bf75-4169-9849-b39b76738edb?width=465&height=463]   Finally, please don't forget to gather for our last Virtual Rosary devotion this month. The Holy Family League of Chapters will lead us in prayer tonight at 7 PM PDT / 9 PM CDT / 10 PM EDT.  Kindly help spread the words and invite your friends! Can't wait to pray with you!     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info   “CÁC TÔI TỚ MẸ MARIA NƠI LUYỆN NGỤC THƯỜNG ĐƯỢC MẸ ĐẾN VIẾNG THĂM AN ỦI." - THÁNH ANPHONGSÔ   Rosaryldtg [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/b874d4d0-cc7b-4418-b26c-ad89660bdea2?width=670&height=670]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Thánh Gia vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào ngày Lễ Vọng Các Thánh an bình và mạnh khỏe!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 
Invitation to Participate in Historic First Research on VEYM by Georgetown University's Center for the Applied Research on the Apostolate (CARA)
October 31, 2022
Dearest Chaplains, Chaplain Assistants, Youth Leader Trainers, and Youth Leaders (past and present): It is with great joy that I report to you, our VEYM has been selected by CARA through Georgetown University to conduct a study on the impact of VEYM members’ participation on faith practices and vocation discernment.  For many years, the VEYM has anecdotally been regarded as the modeled organization to cultivate faith among young adults and the cradle for vocation to religious life, however, there is virtually zero empirical data to speak to the efficacy of our Movement. With the VEYM approaching its 40th year in the United States since the official establishment of the National Executive Committee in 1984, the timing of this research is providential. The VEYM is grateful for Sister Thu T. Do, LHC, Ph.D. Through her proposed study funded by a research grant, CARA is able to conduct this important research on the VEYM. In awe of this blessed opportunity, I implore all VEYM adult members, to include all past and present members, to spare a few minutes to complete this survey as the research findings will have significant implications for our Movement.  To participate in this study, click on one of the respective links below OR scan the corresponding QR codes on the flyer. Deadline to complete the survey is November 20th, 2022. Respectfully request that you also forward this correspondence to all past/former VEYM members. All eligible participants will receive a $10.00 e-credit voucher for VEYM e-store purchase. Please submit a screenshot of your survey submission page to veym.research@gmail.com [veym.research@gmail.com] to receive the voucher. Only one voucher may be redeemed per transaction.   Religious/Priest VEYM members survey link: https://bit.ly/veymvocation [https://bit.ly/veymvocation] Adult Lay VEYM members survey link: https://bit.ly/3MhV3PO [https://bit.ly/3MhV3PO] N22 016 Cara Research on Veym [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/a8abf55c-424d-4063-bb14-53ea653f2078?width=1080&height=1080] Thank you! May God bless you, and may He bless our collective effort to bring greater glory to Him! Announcement PDF [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/04173e64-53b9-4b8b-8f7c-f8525a7552b8/N22-016%20Georgetown%20University's%20CARA%20Research%20on%20VEYM.pdf]
Invitation to VEYM 2022 Spiritual Bouquet Campaign Closing Celebration and Contest Awards Ceremony!
October 30, 2022
Kính chào quí Cha Tuyên Uý, quí Trợ Uý, quí Trợ Tá, quí Ban Chấp Hành Liên Đoàn, quí Ban Chấp Hành Đoàn, quí Huynh Trưởng và tất cả quí thành viên,   Thật là một hồng ân và niềm vui chung cho Phong Trào khi thấy sức sống tăng triển qua các sinh hoạt tại các cấp Đoàn và Liên Đoàn sau 2 tháng trở lại sinh hoạt. Đặc biệt là sự tham gia tích cực của quí thành viên từ khắp nơi trong chiến dịch Bó Hoa Thiêng năm nay.    Trong tâm tình tạ ơn, BCHTU chúng con kính mời quí Cha, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá, và quí thành viên cùng tham dự buổi họp mặt liên hoan qua Teams Meeting để đúc kết chiến dịch Bó Hoa Thiêng, bốc thăm trao giải cho các thành viên tham dự chiến dịch bó hoa thiêng, trao giải thưởng cho các thành viên xuất sắc trong các cuộc thi đua Holy-ween Costume Contest, Back-to-Sinh Hoạt Song Contest, và nhiều tiết mục khác.   Xin quí vị gọi vào tham dự qua hai cách sau:   1. Teams Link: https://url.veym.net/2022BHT-VirtualCelebration [https://url.veym.net/2022BHT-VirtualCelebration] 2. Or call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752,              Phone Conference ID: 534 275 604#   Xin xem thông tin trong tờ rơi sau để biết thêm chi tiết:   BHTCelebration [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/d21b63d8-4871-4650-9ed3-f8696e874987?width=465&height=463]   Chúng con kính chúc quí Cha, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá và tất cả quí thành viên một tuần mới an bình và mạnh khỏe trong tình yêu Thiên Chúa.  Hẹn gặp cả nhà vào tối Thứ Năm!
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the Saint Phaolô Hạnh League of Chapters happening tonight, October 28th, 2022. Come join us to glorify & praise God!!!
October 28, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   Happy feast day of saints Simon and Jude Thaddeus! Please don't forget our tradition to invite your friends and family to gather together and celebrate God through our Virtual Rosary prayer.  The Saint Phaolô Hạnh League of Chapters will lead us in prayer tonight at 7PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT.  Thank you and see you tonight VEYM family! 🙂     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info     "Seek refuge in Mary because she is the city of refuge. We know that Moses set up three cities of refuge for anyone who inadvertently killed his neighbor. Now the Lord has established a refuge of mercy, Mary, even for those who deliberately commit evil. Mary provides shelter and strength for the sinner." - Saint Anthony of Padua RosaryLDPH [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/54c6ed91-f531-458e-add9-8158a0124f97?width=666&height=622]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Thánh Phaolô Hạnh vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào một ngày lễ mừng Thánh Simon và Giuđa Nhiệt Thành tràn muôn hồng ân!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 🌻
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the Sinai League of Chapters happening tonight, October 26th, 2022. Come join us to glorify & praise God!!!
October 26, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   There's only a couple more days left in our October Virtual Rosary initiative this year. Kindly invite your local chapter to gather together and celebrate God.  The Sinai League of Chapters will lead us in prayer tonight at 7PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT.  Can't wait to pray with you all! 🙂     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info     "Mary, Mother of Jesus, give me your Heart, so beautiful, so pure, so Immaculate, so full of love and humility, that I may be able to receive Jesus in the Bread of Life, love Him as You loved Him and serve Him as you served Him, in the distressing disguise of the poorest of the poor. Amen." (Mother Teresa) RosaryLDSN [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/65dd73c0-fe13-415a-874e-dfdd0b5f8b02?width=663&height=676]  
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the Ra Khơi League of Chapters happening tonight, October 24th, 2022. Come join us to glorify & praise God!!!
October 24, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   Happy Monday to you and your loved ones! Don't forget our tradition to invite your friends and family to gather together and celebrate God through our Virtual Rosary prayer.  The Ra Khơi League of Chapters will lead us in prayer tonight at 7PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT.  Thank you and see you tonight VEYM family! 🙂     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info     “AFTER THE LOVE WHICH WE OWE JESUS CHRIST, WE MUST GIVE THE CHIEF PLACE IN OUR HEART TO THE LOVE OF HIS MOTHER MARY... MAY THE TWO NAMES SO SWEET AND SO POWERFUL, OF JESUS AND MARY, BE ALWAYS IN OUR HEARTS AND ON OUR LIPS!” - SAINT ALPHONSUS MARIA DE LIGUORI    Rosaryldrk [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/56e518ba-980f-4c58-88c5-616c198bf35f?width=669&height=670]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Ra Khơi vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào một tuần mới an bình và mạnh khỏe!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 🌻  
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the John Paul II League of Chapters happening tonight, October 21st, 2022 & Mass request for departed VEYM and family members for the Month of November
October 21, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   Praying for the departed is a responsibility of VEYM members to help bring relief to the suffering souls in purgatory and expedite their union with God.  Please save the date to gather together for the VEYM virtual Chaplet of Divine Mercy prayer for all souls in purgatory on November 18th, 2022 at 7 PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT. Please use the following link to dial in https://url.veym.net/Pray4AllSouls [https://url.veym.net/Pray4AllSouls]   With the Holy Mass as the highest act of worship and form of prayer, our General Chaplain invites all Chaplains at the National Headquarters to offer daily mass for all departed VEYM members/family members during the month of November.  Please fill out the following mass intention request for VEYM and immediate family members departed between November 1st, 2021 to the present.  Kindly fill out this request by October 24th, 2022:   https://forms.gle/dQT75W8pA55yerQj8 [https://forms.gle/dQT75W8pA55yerQj8]   Also, please don't forget to gather to unite with Jesus and our Mother Mary through our Virtual Rosary devotion.  The John Paul II League of Chapters will help lead us in prayer tonight at 7 PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT.  Please spread the words and invite your friends! Can't wait to pray with you!     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info     “FROM MARY WE LEARN TO SURRENDER TO GOD'S WILL IN ALL THINGS. FROM MARY, WE LEARN TO TRUST EVEN WHEN ALL HOPE SEEMS GONE. FROM MARY, WE LEARN TO LOVE CHRIST, HER SON AND THE SON OF GOD… I THEREFORE EXHORT YOU IN CHRIST JESUS, TO CONTINUE TO LOOK TO MARY AS THE MODEL OF THE CHURCH, AS THE BEST EXAMPLE OF THE DISCIPLESHIP OF CHRIST. LEARN FROM HER TO BE ALWAYS FAITHFUL, TO TRUST THAT GOD'S WORD TO YOU WILL BE FULFILLED, AND THAT NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE WITH GOD.”  POPE SAINT JOHN PAUL II    RosaryJp2 [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/921d0876-17ca-43e0-b89c-2b584a93de6b?width=673&height=670]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Gioan Phaolô II vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào một ngày an bình và mạnh khỏe!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 🌻
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the Inhaxiô of Loyola League of Chapters happening tonight, October 19th, 2022. Come join us to glorify & praise God!!!
October 19, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   Saint Ignatius was called the Knight of Mary due to his great devotion to the Blessed Virgin. Our Mother's accompaniment and intercessions played a major role in his conversion and spiritual life. Let us imitate our saintly brother by entrusting our lives to Mother Mary and ask her to help us become holy.  Let's gather our friends to join the Inhaxiô League of Chapters to thank God for giving us a wonderful Mom. Can't wait to pray our Virtual Rosary with you tonight at 7 PM PDT / 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT! 🙂     Three ways of joining in prayers:   ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t25/1.5/16/27a1.png]To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t25/1.5/16/27a1.png]To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t25/1.5/16/27a1.png]To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info   “THE HOLY ROSARY IS A POWERFUL WEAPON. USE IT WITH CONFIDENCE AND YOU’LL BE AMAZED AT THE RESULTS.” – ST. JOSEMARIA ESCRIVA  ROSARYLDI [HTTPS://CMSV2.VEYM.NET/ASSETS/4032189D-B465-4028-AE8D-1F285AB99D5F?WIDTH=673&HEIGHT=673]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Inhaxiô Loyola vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào một ngày lễ kính Thánh Isaac Jogues và các bạn Tử Đạo Bắc Mỹ an bình và mạnh khỏe!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 🌻
Reminder: Virtual Rosary with the Nguồn Sống League of Chapters happening tonight, October 17th, 2022. Come join us to glorify & praise God!!!
October 17, 2022
Dearest VEYM family,   Happy Monday to you and your loved ones! Don't forget to invite your family and join us to glorify and praise God through our Virtual Rosary devotion led by the Nguồn Sống League of Chapters tonight at 7 PM PDT/ 9PM CDT / 10PM EDT.  Thank you and see you all tonight! 🙂     Three ways of joining in prayers:   To join on your computer or phone:  url.veym.net/virtualrosary [https://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]  To joining via your browser as a guest:  Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 & Passcode: RjQdLu To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 & Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048# Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info   “THE ROSARY IS THE MOST BEAUTIFUL AND THE MOST RICH IN GRACES OF ALL PRAYERS; IT IS THE PRAYER THAT TOUCHES MOST THE HEART OF THE MOTHER OF GOD…AND IF YOU WISH PEACE TO REIGN IN YOUR HOMES, RECITE THE FAMILY ROSARY.” – POPE SAINT PIUS X    RosaryLDNS [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/63296a61-5b49-41f3-8f3f-6d809eb6c25a?width=669&height=669]   Chúng con xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Nguồn Sống vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ).  Kính chúc quí Cha Tuyên Úy, quí Trợ Úy, quí Trợ Tá cùng Anh Chị Huynh Trưởng và các thành viên trong Phong Trào một tuần mới an bình và mạnh khỏe!  Hẹn gặp cả nhà mình vào giờ kinh Mân Côi tối nay! 🌻
Spiritual Bouquet Day 14
October 14, 2022
Join us tonight at 7 PM PDT for Virtual Rosary led by Liên Đoàn Joan of Arc Đến hẹn lại lên, xin kính mời đại gia đình Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam cùng tham gia vào buổi đọc kinh Mân Côi trực tuyến cùng với Liên Đoàn Joan of Arc vào lúc 7 giờ tối nay (giờ bờ Tây Hoa Kỳ) ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t9e/1/16/27a1.png]To join on your computer or phone: url.veym.net/virtualrosary [http://url.veym.net/virtualrosary]   ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t9e/1/16/27a1.png]If joining via your browser as a guest, use: Meeting ID: 243 327 520 930 Passcode: RjQdLu ➡ [https://static.xx.fbcdn.net/images/emoji.php/v9/t9e/1/16/27a1.png]To call in (audio only) +1 951-405-2752 Phone Conference ID: 560 400 048#   Print a PDF calendar — url.veym.net/bhtveym2022 [http://url.veym.net/bhtveym2022] Visit https://veym.net/bht-calendar [https://veym.net/bht-calendar] for more info   311313045 436511795253999 3797494418575338044 N [https://cmsv2.veym.net/assets/48ebf9cb-3482-4a7d-8cc1-4330366a84fa?width=526&height=526]
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The Vietnamese Eucharistic Youth Movement in the U.S.A.

Phong Trào Thiếu Nhi Thánh Thể Việt Nam tại Hoa Kỳ

1811 E Center St, Anaheim, CA 92805. Phone: 714-603-7586

Email: headquarters@veym.net

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